How long after flipping.....?


Do you start the countdown? E.g. - if the seed bank says 55 days do you take that from day 1 or give it a couple of weeks......?


I've never bought seeds online, so I couldn't say.. But I would imagine they mean 55 days of actual flowering, rather than counting from day 1 or the 12/12 switch.. And more than likely, that's 55 days when grown with optimal conditions..


Well-Known Member
Don't start counting down the days until you can see actual bud sites (female flowers) growing from each branch. It normally takes 1-2 weeks after switching to 12/12 but some plants can take up to 3 weeks.


Well-Known Member
I always start from day one of 12/12 and yes times given for full maturity all depends on conditions of your grow.


Active Member
I always start from day one of 12/12 and yes times given for full maturity all depends on conditions of your grow.
Agree with this. One grow when I flipped to 12/12 plant already showing pre-flowers. Harvest was exactly 9 weeks as the seed packet stated. Current grow, pre-flowers showed up 1 week after flip to 12/12 and I can tell it's about a week behind. Packet for these seeds also say 9 weeks but I'm changing that to 10 now.

Good luck

- SB -


Well-Known Member
i've done 12/12 from seed twice and noticed that it takes 2-3 weeks for the sex to show and then you start the countdown to maturity


Thanks everyone, just had a second opinion from a mate and they're looking good, I'll try and get some pics up later on....


Well-Known Member
I have to disagree with the others. If you start counting too soon you may end up harvesting to early or flushing the plants when they still need more nutrients. These are both newb mistakes but they are very common. This can all be avoided by checking the trichomes with a jewelers loop, never trust the estimated finish time always wait until trichomes are at least 20% amber.


Well-Known Member
These are both newb mistakes but they are very common. This can all be avoided by checking the trichomes with a jewelers loop, never trust the estimated finish time always wait until trichomes are at least 20% amber.
i agree with this. trichomes are the only way to tell. i like to be stuck in the couch.


Well-Known Member
RawBudzski said:
if Everyone began counting on day 1 of 12/12.. most strains rated for 8wks would go 10.. and those that say 10 would go 12..
Last edited by RawBudzski; 03-23-2012 at 05:16 AM.

This quote from: RawBudzski whom is the Mod in the Nuwbie Section...

If you grow outside, you count when you first see hairs, or bud sites, after the days grow shorter... Right ?

Inside the same... I write down my into bud room day, and it's [for this strain] 6.5 days before hairs begin to show, every clone, same... 56 days from that day, I get first sign of amber tric's... so plants take 9 weeks from into 12/12, or 8 weeks [56 days] from hairs... count however works best for you...
I check for amber when plant gets to 56 days from 12/12 light change...otherwise I'll start looking at 42 days...or 49 days...
Just count...
IMO, in the past, that I have always harvested my MJ a little to early eager, not wanting to wait], older now, learning to wait, that last week, for me has made a difference. Call it couch lock [not that again] , I just call it harvesting my MJ at optimum ripe-ness...