How important is PH


Illegal Smile

If you grow in hydro problem pH will cut your yield down to nothing or just kill the plants. Maybe it doesn't matter in soil, but it does in water.


New Member
I say its at the bottom of the list. look at typical house plants. Who pH's the water of them?

And ain't pot 'just a weed' I keep hearing "they don't call it weed for no reason"

I find it funny how delicate this hardy weed is precieved.
All very true, cannabis is PH tolerant.


Well-Known Member
in hydroponics pretty important in soil not at all really. when mixing your water and nutrient soultion for your soil plants that water can an may need to b ph'd

and the shitty weed could be bad genetics

i have a friend that has a big beatufull plant growing were he smokes and throws seeds out hes never watered it gave it nutrients or anything like that it just grows and well i might add


Well-Known Member
dose any1 know when i should flush them and flush with what??

you flush when you plants have 2 weeks flowering left and with plain water add a couple oz's of sugar or molasses to it

this is basic knowledge you should have read when you learnt to grow pot


Well-Known Member
I have planted over 30 varieties of flowers BY SEED this year and every year. There are Bouquets all around my house and an additional 10-15 varieties of fruits and veggies and herbs that My family harvests and eats on a daily basis. Marijuana is in the top 5 easiest plants I grow. PH has never been doesn't matter unless it is extreme, then you do something to fix it at the source.
you are right for the most part it matters in water thats about it


Well-Known Member
PH is VERy important in hydro. Ive killed very nice grows by not checking the ph level for bout a month. I mean its really not hard to check and balance it out and the equipment u can get under 30$ off ebay. SO y not spend the extra lil cash and have way nicer yields :-D happy growing.


Well-Known Member

You might not see the difference in soil like hydro, but there is. Say you water your plants with a mix of nutes. The next time you give it just water. There could be a fluctuation of 4 to 5 points on the ph scale. Before I add nutes my city water RO'd is at 9.4, after I add nutes it goes down to 4.5. Thats 50 TIMES more acidic than before I added nutes. Do that to your plants and I think it is safe to say you will undoubtedly underachieve. They might survive but they will not thrive......


Well-Known Member
9.4 is extreme. most city water will be a LOT closer to 7.0


You might not see the difference in soil like hydro, but there is. Say you water your plants with a mix of nutes. The next time you give it just water. There could be a fluctuation of 4 to 5 points on the ph scale. Before I add nutes my city water RO'd is at 9.4, after I add nutes it goes down to 4.5. Thats 50 TIMES more acidic than before I added nutes. Do that to your plants and I think it is safe to say you will undoubtedly underachieve. They might survive but they will not thrive......


Well-Known Member
It is extreme. That is my point. The city I live in is around 200,000.
I have just researched a couple of cities of similar size and bigger and it is not uncommon to reach 9.6, NYC with average of 8.5


Well-Known Member
For soil 6 to 7 is a safe bet. Check your water run off from ph'd water to see the difference. You then can figure the difference and adjust.

My soiless promix is at 5.9, for ghs white widow. Although it changes throughout all growth stages


Active Member
so what would be the change for the various growth stages? if you dont mind me asking im using fox farm ocean forest


New Member
I drain down my tanks every 10 days, when i refill them the water and nuits have been pre made and have sat for around 2 days, never had a PH pen in my life, i understand it all depends on where you live in the world, and in scotland we have some of the very best water in the world, cannabis seem to love it.


New Member
I drain down my tanks every 10 days, when i refill them the water and nuits have been pre made and have sat for around 2 days, never had a PH pen in my life, i understand it all depends on where you live in the world, and in scotland we have some of the very best water in the world, cannabis seem to love it.
