How does this look?....any expert advice welcome!


New Member
These plants are from mystery seeds received free with a purchase of some feminised White Widow seeds from Nirvana Seed Shop. It was decided that a test run with the free seeds to iron out any potential problems would be the way to go before diving into the Widow project.
These plants are currently 5 weeks old. They were germinated and planted in the biodegradable coco pots with Miracle Gro seedling starter soil mixed with a little peralite. They were then transplanted into 3 gallon planters that each contained a 60/40 mix of Fox Farm Ocean Forest (60%) and Fox Farm Light Warrior(40%) (read that FFOF ran hot so Light Warrior was mixed in to try and prevent burn).
They are under two UFO LED'S. One is 90W and the other is 135W. The lights were recently moved up to a little over 12 inches away after some leaf curling which may have been from over or underwatering or too much light too close. It seems better now and new growth looks healthier. The plants are also rotated and turned frequently so they receive equal amounts of the different intensities of light (the two different wattages were completely unintentional).
They are on an 18/6 light cycle in a 3x6 enclosed space. The walls are covered in Mylar. The temperature remains at about 75+ degrees and the humidity remains at around 50%.
Fox Farm Grow Big and Big Bloom Nutrients have just now been started at about 1/2 strength due to fear of burning. (Fox Farms schedule suggested nutrients for seedlings but it appeared to burn some of the first leaf sets after only one watering so only ph adjusted water was given until now).
A few questions and concerns:
Instead of the soil version of Grow Big which is (6-4-4) the Grow Big Hydroponic (3-2-6) solution is being used. Is this acceptable and should it be used differently, i. e. Half-strength, twice as much? Should it not be used at all?
Does anyone have an opinion on the distance of the lights from the plants?
How harmful is softened well water? It is currently being aerated and left standing overnight but salt is a concern.
Do these plants look female?
When can these be cloned?
Do these look healthy and correctly proportioned for their age?
Any other input will be greatly appreciated!



Well-Known Member
marvelous darling just marvelous.. seriously they look great.. might want to transplant to final pot soon and yes well water is an issue for salt build up.. get some cali/mag and your golden.. it helps with salt and build up. but all in all they look great..


New Member
marvelous darling just marvelous.. seriously they look great.. might want to transplant to final pot soon and yes well water is an issue for salt build up.. get some cali/mag and your golden.. it helps with salt and build up. but all in all they look grea

Thank you for your input. It was unknown if transplanting would be necessary but it appears that it is now. Will Sledgehammer from Fox Farm work for the salt build up? Can you tell by the photos when these could be cloned? The plan is to switch the light cycle to 12/12 in about two weeks. The concern is that they won't be substantial enough to take cuttings from and after forcing them into flower taking cuttings can apparently be problematic (according to lots of info found).
Also, one of these plants leaf tips are slightly curled down. They have all received the same amount of everything. This plant actually felt the lightest when it was picked up to feel how much water it was holding. The emphasis of the problems with new growers overwatering was well understood so watering has been done with great caution. Could it be something other than over or understanding?
I had plants that looked the same as yours with dark green leaves and the reddish purple tips that ended up getting worse. Ended up being Phosphorus deficiency. Your plants could be different though.


Well-Known Member
Just keep in mind fox farms (and every other company) are going to try to sell you a bunch of snake-oil.
You need a veg nutrient and a flower nutrient (some people say go with an all purpose throughout like a 2-2-2).
Other than that, it is a lot of hokum going on out there.