How do these plants look?


First time growing. Trying to figure this out. I know this is really sad but the first picture is one of my plants at 5 weeks. Please don't laugh so hard...

My PH is around 4.6 and the PPMs are about 600. I am watering once a day and I guess I'll cut back to every other day. This growing thing is not that easy to master. I am using a 1000w and have good airflow. Temps at the highest get to 93 on these hot summer days. Nights get to around 78. I am trying my best to keep the temps under control. Humidity is around 30-60.

This picture has some leaf curling which makes me think I am watering too much.


Can someone help me out with some questions please?

I am getting a buildup of salts on my trays and want to know if this is real bad.
Also my nutes are settling at the bottom of the res, should I be sturring these up periodically? Is there a way to keep them from doing this?

Is algea on the top of the grow cubes bad?



Active Member
are you sure on that ph,it may be off but the plants seem to green to have a ph of 4.6? I would get a ph test kit with the drops and go by that as long as your not color blind,my buddy is and he has a hard time with the drops method.double check your ph. good luck also 5.8 is where you want to be for hydro
Well I got PH up and PH down so I adjusted to about a 6. I am having a hard time getting to 5.6. The PH keeps creeping up. Everyday it is higher. I have also lowered the temps. On hot days though I cannot keep it down because air venting in the room is directly from outside. I would like to find an AC unit with a duct-in I can connect.