How Do My Clones Look ??? Day 8 Pics Included

These clones are 8 days old. Just transplanted to sunshine mix #4 today. fed at 220 PPM. temp 78 humidity 45. when i transplanted i didn't see any roots yet. used clonex gel. How do my clones look???


Well-Known Member
Yes I just watered, do they look droppy? Do i need more light ?
Lol, just leave them be, man. They'll be perked up by morning. Get the light as close as you can with out burning them. Rule of thumb = if it is hot on your hand it is hot on the plants.


Well-Known Member
I've never had clones root in 8 days, and not without high humidity and a heat mat... so either A) you've got pretty-green, dead, twigs in dirt, or B) they'll root in the solo cups. I've cloned into soil or pellets in soil like you - but, with a hum. dome and heat mat - and it has worked. So... I dunno, try to update us when you get roots coming out of the bottom of your solos. GL - maybe give them a foliar feed, as you didn't see roots yet.


Well-Known Member
I've never had clones root in 8 days, and not without high humidity and a heat mat... so either A) you've got pretty-green, dead, twigs in dirt, or B) they'll root in the solo cups. I've cloned into soil or pellets in soil like you - but, with a hum. dome and heat mat - and it has worked. So... I dunno, try to update us when you get roots coming out of the bottom of your solos. GL - maybe give them a foliar feed, as you didn't see roots yet.
I am going out on a limb here but I am assuming that these are already rooted. And he is referring the 8 days to being in the solo cups.