How do i grow really small plants with a basic setup


Active Member
Whats Goin on everyone:bigjoint:

im a first time grower for starters
i have a decent setup with a flourescent light
i plan on getting an hps lamp soon
does anyone know how i can make really small but good plants, i am very limited in space and i plan on growing a few plants
any tips how to make small but good quality bud plants,id really appreciate it


Well-Known Member
  • autoflowering strains grow around 14inches and bushy. Produces a good smoke and some have good crosses with ak47 blueberry kush etc ..
  • there are also techniques such as topping scrog
  • read up son thats what I do
  • FAQ section



Active Member
yah in height
whats a low rider
im pretty much growing reggo seeds from a quarter lol
sorry but im a rookie lol


Active Member
a lowryder is a type of strain, it grows nice compact buds, and is good smoke and grows really short usally around 14" im new too and i havent done one grow yet but ive researchd alot id rather no everything about growing before starting then having a problem like brown spots (N def) and not no what it is adn sit on my computer waiting day by day for someone to reply i need help with my questions too im trying to grow LIKE a lowryder but im using bagseed im doing 100% stealth and 100% odar free, in a small cabnit with limitd space i am going to grow 1-2plants at a time only using cfls at a low wattage of 13 and 2700k ( best for flowering) and i will be using 4-6 of these SHITY 13w cfls i beli9eve they have 800lumens each so i will have a total around 3200-4800 lumens (not bad for a 16.7 hight and 9" wide grow cabnit REALLY SMALL, LST(Low Strain Training) and topping r good ways to get the best of a short plant make it bushy and turn pretty much any way u want also like said before scrog is good too

ol man

Active Member
Gorilladave..........the easiest way is to keep the lights as close as possible to the tops of your plants, once they get into a close range of height that your comfortable with, put them into thinking if you want to control the height(because of space), then you'll want to control the width as well. Let your plants get about a bushy half a foot tall, keep the light as close as you can(this will make the plants grow wide), then flower(which will make them grow fat with bud), autoflowering only works with auto flowering strains, 12/12ing them from the start, doesn't make any sense(you have to wait until they are mature).....

[email protected]

Well-Known Member
i think you need to think about, size of lights, and you forget that your baby will need dirt an sorry those little cups for a whole cycle your buds will be so small and underdeveloped, you would be wasting your time and effort.

added.. when people say 14 inchs they are talking about from dirt to top, an you need atleast 8 inch of dirt.


Well-Known Member
rootbound plant in a small cup in the beginning :D that would stunt the plant and it could grow like just even 20cm long :D