How do I deal with a NIT def in young plants? (pics)


Active Member
Hey guys, almost positive I have a nitrogen deficiency. Several of my plants which are about 3 and a half weaks old have yellow or yellowish leaves at the bottom and those that are starting to turn have the yellow at the tips of the leaf which I understand is how the nit. def manifests itself.

I have these girls in Fox Farm Ocean Forrest and will be moving up to bigger pots soon. I have not yet had them on a regiment of nutes so I hesitate to add fertilziers with Nit in them because I don't know if it's time to do so yet.

I read about making a Blood Meal tea, but again, I don't know if it's going to be too much for the youngens.

I also saw some suggesting a flush but since I haven't fed them nutes yet would that be effective?:confused:

What is the best way to deal with this problem? :confused:

Here are the pics, as you can see they are for the most part thriving, the close up pics show how they're lower leaves are being effected... Thanks for your help!



Active Member
Yeah, I'm thinking it is Mg after all. I understand Epsom salts is good for this, I just watered them yesterday though so do you think I should wait for the next watering to do this?


Active Member
Hey Purple420Kush,

Do you mean to hold out from adding epsom salts til I see how it reacts in the new pot? Or do you mean re-pot and THEN address the issue immediately after by watering?
yea hold off on the salts ... repot into a big pot ....your right it is a little bit N def.. when u do water it try and get something organic thats high in N , use what ever u get at first about half strengh ... less is always more


Active Member
I have some Fox Farm grow big I can use and I was planning on using compost I made around the edges of the spot I'll be planting into which I've heard has a great effect... Do you think the FF is ok? It has 6% N and .60 MG (still not sure if it might be Magnesium). I'm not sure if that's sufficient level of N or not... Do you have any thoughts if FF will do? I also have MG tomato fert but wasn't planning on using it.
the FF would be great .. dont over do it tho ..

i personally wouldn't use that compost for your soil .. because its not to sanitary .. itll be full of bug and shit.. that compost would be better if your making a Tea .. i'd say use a nice organic tropical mix .. something that containes peat moss, humus, perlite and vermiculite ..