How do I check the trichs?!?!?

Hi all

I have 7 ladies half way into flower. They are growing everyday!!! But the hairs are starting to turn amber, actually most of them are, and I want to start checking trichs. This is my first grow, which microscope do I use and where do I buy it? It seems like everything else was so expensive and when I find microscopes for $10 on amazon I think I'm looking at the wrong thing.

7 white widow in ocean forest, pH steady 6.5
Using fox farm big bloom and tiger bloom every other watering

Any tips? I'm about 5 weeks in.

Cool thanks everyone!! Anyone know if amber hairs followed by new sets of white hairs are normal? The buds keep growing thank God but the hairs are slowly all turning amber. Is this ok? Or is there a problem like nutrient burn?


Well-Known Member
This is what you need. I bought a jewlers loupe and a pocketscope
The pocketscope gives a clearer picture of a tiny sample.
The loupe gives you a picture of the entire bud and it is very quick.
It will also help you see everything from mite poop to nanners and catch problems before they get out of hand

Now that I know what to look for I dont use the scope, just the loupe.
They sell them at walmart as well
boneheadbob... Uh oh! Foxtailing.. I don't think unlike that word. I have heard of it before but I don't really understand if it's necessarily a bad thing. Is it just undesirable or is it seriously whack to have foxtailing? I've been controlling the heat and humidity so I don't think it oils be those hints that would cause it and I only fert every other day. But she is a sativa so maybe she will foxtail. Thoughts on foxtailing just in case it happens to me?


Well-Known Member
Its no big deal. I have grown seeds from the same pack. One plant will foxtail like crazy, another will have dense bugs. Both grown the same.
Some plants just foxtail and the buds will not be as dense but that does not mean the herb will be less dank.


Well-Known Member
420Scope! Itz the shizznit! U want to take em down, bud by bud, not the whole plant, as you will have undergrowth that can still take time to mature, but when u look at your tric's, make sure they are milky, not clear, and not all amber, milky with a touch of amber is spot on! I prefer to take some all milky, and some when milky with hints of amber... All in what you require my man... Good luck!