How do i"break the ice" and smoke with my dad

my dad smokes...I smoke but its always aquard and we never really talk about it.we have a bad father son relationship with eachother and i want to fix it. my mom dosent know he smokes and my sister is wayyy against it. and my dad came up to me the other day and said do u think im dumb i said what? he said"i know what you do in the backyard" i was like oh he said ur smokin pot with ur little friends and i was like fuck in my head and he was like and u stole my weed"which i never did" and i was like no i didnt and then he was like dont fucking lie and we argued and i wana fix are broken relation ship. i was thinking about leaving a joint and a sticky note but idk if he would wana search my whole room or if he would ever want to smoke with me. he says its for back pain only but i want to toke with him any ideas?


Well-Known Member
Perhaps you need to start to re-assure him that you know what you are doing. Smoking is not taking you onto heavier drugs...etc. Adults generally worry about their kids so before you go passing him a joint, have a chat with him in a normal open way.

Being open is the key in these situations......then pass him a joint!!!!

my dad smokes...I smoke but its always aquard and we never really talk about it.we have a bad father son relationship with eachother and i want to fix it. my mom dosent know he smokes and my sister is wayyy against it. and my dad came up to me the other day and said do u think im dumb i said what? he said"i know what you do in the backyard" i was like oh he said ur smokin pot with ur little friends and i was like fuck in my head and he was like and u stole my weed"which i never did" and i was like no i didnt and then he was like dont fucking lie and we argued and i wana fix are broken relation ship. i was thinking about leaving a joint and a sticky note but idk if he would wana search my whole room or if he would ever want to smoke with me. he says its for back pain only but i want to toke with him any ideas?


Well-Known Member
How old are you? I suspect that I am pretty close to your fathers age and this is a little sensitive. If things aren't great between you now, this isn't going to fix it. Fix it and then approach this subject based on your age.


Well-Known Member
my dad smokes...I smoke but its always aquard and we never really talk about it.we have a bad father son relationship with eachother and i want to fix it. my mom dosent know he smokes and my sister is wayyy against it. and my dad came up to me the other day and said do u think im dumb i said what? he said"i know what you do in the backyard" i was like oh he said ur smokin pot with ur little friends and i was like fuck in my head and he was like and u stole my weed"which i never did" and i was like no i didnt and then he was like dont fucking lie and we argued and i wana fix are broken relation ship. i was thinking about leaving a joint and a sticky note but idk if he would wana search my whole room or if he would ever want to smoke with me. he says its for back pain only but i want to toke with him any ideas?
You will find as you get older, the best way to deal with things is head on. When you two are alone one day or night, just walk up to him and say "Hey dad, I was just about to go smoke this joint, do you want to join me?".
He knows you do it, if he was gonna freak on you, he would have done it by now. Just be direct and to the point, let him know how you feel and that you want to be able to share this with him. He will respect you for your honesty and may even thank you.

The worst part about having kids is, they never tell you anything. They are so secretive, and you always worry what they are up to. If you are direct, to the point and seem honest and sincere, he will respect you. And he may even be relieved.


Active Member
My mom and I have a HORRIBLE relationship with one another... we fight about anything and everything... except for pot! The same thing happened to me about 7 years ago... she knew I was smoking, and accused me of taking her stash (which I didn't really know existed... i thought she only smoked at my uncles house)... She told me it was for the end of the world. I told her that when the end of the world truly comes, I will be right by her side smoking on some killer bud... we have smoked together ever since. Dad's are hard... my dad used to smoke, but now is for some unknown reason against it... especially me smoking (even though i'm an adult LOL)... only recently, and I think it's because my step-mom won't let him. My advice, tell your dad that you completely agree with him and support him smoking for medicinal purposes, and explain to him why you smoke... reassure him that you won't be reckless and offer the man a joint... Hope it works out for you!!! Good luck!


Well-Known Member
I have 2 sons and both of them smoke . I was hard on them growing up , but always respect their ideas and honesty . My oldest was scared to talk to me about smoking weed , when he finally manned up about it I laughed and smoked some of my best stash with him .So just man up and talk to him. Assure him its not coming from his stash .
You will find as you get older, the best way to deal with things is head on. When you two are alone one day or night, just walk up to him and say "Hey dad, I was just about to go smoke this joint, do you want to join me?".
He knows you do it, if he was gonna freak on you, he would have done it by now. Just be direct and to the point, let him know how you feel and that you want to be able to share this with him. He will respect you for your honesty and may even thank you.

The worst part about having kids is, they never tell you anything. They are so secretive, and you always worry what they are up to. If you are direct, to the point and seem honest and sincere, he will respect you. And he may even be relieved.
well im kinda scared to tell my dad cus of the tention and i dont want him to take my stash and he caught me stealing 2 bucks to go get pop and then a month ago i asked for a few bucks he said what are you goin to go out and buy a joint? and i was like no i need pop he was like sure dont fucking lie to me i was like im not and he said sure.i want to bond with him but its hard when we have so much anger in both of us and then i want to be able to just chill with him but i dont have the balls to go head on.


Active Member
Next time he says something about pop $ being for pot, tell him "maybe it is... do you want some"... well, thats what I would say after being "accused" so many times...


the way my dad started out with me was he told me he didnt care as long as i didnt lie to him about it, so if he caught me , id have to man up and say yea i was tokin if i was. The way we first smoked together, he didnt care that i smoked anymore and one day i was takin bong tees in the back of suum killular, and he sat down and took a hit of the kill and ever since whenever he catches me on a sesh hell sit down and taste a few nugs.


Well-Known Member
Just my two cents being in my mid fifties, going through that when pot was truly cutting edge in 60's and 70's. If there is bad blood now between you and your father you need to address that first and foremost. As mentioned before meet the problem head on, if you have screwed up in the past or lied about something just clear the air, aplologize and then in some manner with feeling "I'm very sorry for those things in the past (whatever it might be), I am sorry for those things and won't repeat them again. I love you dad, lets go smoke a joint and talk.
It worked with my hardass old man, sometimes the kids, whether it is right or wrong have to take the first step.
I wish you the best of luck with your situation, good luck.
Merry Christmas


I'm also in my mid-50s and just shared with my daughter that I'm a pothead. I doubt we'll ever toke together (neither of us could probably handle that), but the cat's out of the bag. I hope we can share some buds in the near future.


Well-Known Member
well im kinda scared to tell my dad cus of the tention and i dont want him to take my stash and he caught me stealing 2 bucks to go get pop and then a month ago i asked for a few bucks he said what are you goin to go out and buy a joint? and i was like no i need pop he was like sure dont fucking lie to me i was like im not and he said sure.i want to bond with him but its hard when we have so much anger in both of us and then i want to be able to just chill with him but i dont have the balls to go head on.
Do what I did. Granted...I didn't invite my dad to partake in the greenery, but our relationship was strained. I said, "We have issues that we need to work on and because we're both so damned stubborn, we're not going to be able to do it unless we relax a bit. So I think in order to fix our relationship and talk it out, we're just gonna have to get drunk."

We did get drunk. talked out a lot. Never better.


Well-Known Member
Make fun of your dads nasty nugs. Give him a joint of some dank followed with some hash. Tell him the dank and hash will make his back pain feel better. Don't smoke with him give him the goods and let him smoke with you. Don't lie don't steal don't pinch his bags just do your thing.


Active Member
ehh... I would stay away from the alcohol... (are you even old enough to drink? no offense, just not sure)... Alcohol can make people angry... I bet if you and your dad ever do get baked, you will have one of the 'life altering revelation' talks... and you two will be right as rain. My mom and I sometimes go on about meaningless shit for hours, but it's soooo much better than arguing and fighting with her. Bud makes the world go 'round!

p.s. my mom used to have nasty schwag, then I smoked some bubba kush with her, and she hasn't been back to regs since! Lol


Well-Known Member
my whole family smokes.. I get the best shit from my dad.. never really had a "breaking the ice" problem, my mom straight up "towelied" me when I was about 15, totally random just: "you wanna get high?" and I just said "umm ok". I have a great relationship with my family, I have always said the family that smokes together stays together.