House rep Burgess "We are in a state of martial law"


New Member
Right. Historically Military has been used to do all kinds of fucked up shit. Take a look around, we're all at risk. It's a good thing to be prepared.

It would be easy for the powers to convince troops that certain groups of people are terrorists and unAmerican. I've been called a communist by brainwashed fools before for my beliefs. I pretty much agree with Ron Paul on just about everything. Some people may not agree with that, but it doesnt make me a communist. Its easy for these people to brainwash.
The military is the pinnacle of brainwashing. Thats why they are called GIs, government issue. They take these young people and turn them into military robots. How else could you get someone to run out into a field of enemy fire and get shot down like dogs? You are not under any circumstances supposed to think for yourself, Follow orders unquestionably. The person that has rank above yours tells you what to do and you better do it or face courts martial.


Well-Known Member
Its only so true! Most people i've met that are in the military are idiots. I mean seriously you have to be to sign up!


Well-Known Member
The Congress is under Martial law.. not the country. :wall: That's what my other thread was about with the suspension of the 2/3rds vote needed.. Congress is under martial law to get this bailout passed..
I'm glad someone ended the retard fest early :lol:


Well-Known Member
Retard fest. Did you know martial law had a double meaning? Or are you just taking stabs for shits and giggles.
Yah I know the difference between congressional martial law and military martial law. I just thought it was funny how fast you-tube videos popped up about how to "survive martial law" and how many e-mails I got from people saying martial law has been declared. I myself sent out probably fifty e-mails explaining to people what congressional martial law was. Part of what cracks me up is people got this idea from mainstream media and I don't even watch TV. :lol:
Here I found a good video
YouTube - Mainstream Media Commercial


New Member
I don't watch TV either. I heard about it through my group of "Anarchist Communist Homosexuals" that are working to reinstate the constitution in my area. Yeah I just had no clue Martial law had a double meaning. When I saw the vid on youtube I kinda freaked the fuck out since on Oct 1st a bunch of troops were coming home for "homeland tours". The timing was too perfect, so my initial reaction was to flip out pretty much. lol

Yah I know the difference between congressional martial law and military martial law. I just thought it was funny how fast you-tube videos popped up about how to "survive martial law" and how many e-mails I got from people saying martial law has been declared. I myself sent out probably fifty e-mails explaining to people what congressional martial law was. Part of what cracks me up is people got this idea from mainstream media and I don't even watch TV. :lol:
Here I found a good video
YouTube - Mainstream Media Commercial


New Member
I heard about it through my group of "Anarchist Communist Homosexuals" that are working to reinstate the constitution in my area.

This explains a lot. Geeze, you ought to invite Vi over for tea,~LOL~.


New Member
lol - Thats in quotes. Geraldo Rivera got protested during a live show, throughout the whole thing he ended up calling all the protesters Anarchists, Communists, Homosexuals, unAmericans

I heard about it through my group of "Anarchist Communist Homosexuals" that are working to reinstate the constitution in my area.

This explains a lot. Geeze, you ought to invite Vi over for tea,~LOL~.