House and Gardens shooting powder


Active Member
Maybe this has been covered before, but I'm currently approaching my week 6 watering using the full House and Gardens line. I'm running a r/o system into a 30 gallon reservoir that I pretty close to top off for feedings. I'm running the nutrient calculator on the H&G website for 22 gallons instead of the full 30 to keep from burning. The Shooting Powder on the nutrient calculator is kinda sketchy. I switched in between u.s. and metric to better figure out how much to use && the numbers are totally different. 1.98 grams of a 65g satchet for u.s. ounces on the nutrient calculator, and 57.2g of a 65g satchet on metric. Should I be using almost a full satchet per feeding as per the instructions, or use a very small 1.98g for the feeding? Pretty sure I'm supposed to use the 57.2, but I wanted some other peoples insights first. Thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
I would probably start at a 1/4 strength then work up from there as I think it is strong stuff.... I have used it in the past but I am sceptical still, but as yet have never done a side by side for comparison. I would err on the side of caution....


New Member
I've used to shooting powder for years always had great success I still do , side by side blows any other finisher out of the water because it's available instantly. Most finishers Take 2 to 4 days to break down and allow the phosphorus and potassium to be uptaken, where the shooting powder is available in 24 hours or less. One sachet is equal to 25 gallons of water or 2.6 grams a gallon for week 6 and 5.7 grams per gallon for week 7 & 8.