Home invasion, Ripper killed, friends charged with murder..


Sounds like bullshit. Video evidence and a perpetrator with a firearm. I'm calling bullshit.
You right, it is bullshit, well spotted. The guy was my neighbour doos, I know I smoke a lot of weed but my memory is still pretty good. I will see what I can find, this was almost 20yrs ago, but I will look around, if I come across something I will post it here.

Also by your comment you obliviously don't know much if anything about SA. You should read a book, you might find it informative.


Well-Known Member
You right, it is bullshit, well spotted. The guy was my neighbour doos, I know I smoke a lot of weed but my memory is still pretty good. I will see what I can find, this was almost 20yrs ago, but I will look around, if I come across something I will post it here.

Also by your comment you obliviously don't know much if anything about SA. You should read a book, you might find it informative.


Well-Known Member
You right, it is bullshit, well spotted. The guy was my neighbour doos, I know I smoke a lot of weed but my memory is still pretty good. I will see what I can find, this was almost 20yrs ago, but I will look around, if I come across something I will post it here.

Also by your comment you obliviously don't know much if anything about SA. You should read a book, you might find it informative.
lots of good real estate in the american south where you will be welcomed with open arms.


Well-Known Member
no, you said this.

which directly contradicts with what you are saying now

you said you would shoot, but not kill.....how am I misinterpreting this?
Yes if forced like the OP. They exchanged fire. In that situation I would shoot. I can see how you got that, fine, I was unclear. However I also would probably not have stood around like a silhouette. I would take cover and tell the intruder to drop the weapon.


Well-Known Member
How did you know? Wow preceptive.

EDIT>:(Unclebuck, thats good to know, at least some people have their heads screwed on right in the US. You a libtard aren't you?
do you only drink milk that has been adulterated by aryan women's feet?


Well-Known Member
You right, it is bullshit, well spotted. The guy was my neighbour doos, I know I smoke a lot of weed but my memory is still pretty good. I will see what I can find, this was almost 20yrs ago, but I will look around, if I come across something I will post it here.

Also by your comment you obliviously don't know much if anything about SA. You should read a book, you might find it informative.
I am currently reading "Long Walk to Freedom" it is quite informative. I got it yesterday and am 73 pages into it.




Well-Known Member
So your government is trying to take guns away from you right? Came across this trying to find an article about the SA guy I mentioned. Just an example of what government's do.


Why is it so difficult for you to believe they do this here? I will keep digging.

@abandinconflict, do you really want to get into a conversation about mandela with me?
I don't believe you're from South Africa, and I think you're a sock puppet.


I don't believe you're from South Africa, and I think you're a sock puppet.
Check my IP address fool, and why would I pretend to be from SA, South Africa is an embarrassment, but I am still proud to be a South African, don't ask me why because I don't know at the moment.

Another case of white vs black also an American example is George Zimmerman. So if you think my story is bullshit well then you have some problems to deal with man, don't believe the msm, they lie and have lost all credibility. And mate the long walk to freedom is just propaganda, mandela was a consummate liar. (Although admittadly I have not read the book, not really interested). You want some truths about SA then read this:


Ek voel vir die mense in die US, hulle is in groot kak. Vestaan hy my doos?


Well-Known Member
but when the government rips you off you should meekly submit, or risk being called selfish...

funny how lefty brains work innit?
That's democracy.
The people choose representatives and allow them the power of making the rules.
If they fuck it up they lose their votes.

If every person chose what laws they would obey and what taxes they chose to pay there would be no system.
Just chaos.

I break the law by growing cannabis because I strongly disagree with the law and feel I can justify my actions morally and ethically.

I may be a 'leftie' but I'm no pacifist who would allow anyone to try and rob me.
If you knew me you probably wouldn't even be this opinionated with me.
But this is cyberspace where everyone is tough and successful....

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Very well said. Just because James bond keeps getting shot in the leg, well...

Are rubber bullets legal for civilians to own? (Would seem odd if they weren't given lethal bullets being legal)
"rubber bullets" are very specialized equipment.

you can get shotgun bean bag loads, which are kinda groovy, but a standard handgun at close range even with "rubber bullets" is still quite lethal. shit you can kill somebody with a quaterload blank.

besides the beanbag rounds (which can still kill if the target is unlucky or you hit em in the dome) the only other readily available "less lethal" round you can get is Dove Shot, which stings, but rarely kills.

if you gotta shoot somebody, just ventilate em.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
How many people have you chosen not to shoot? I'm better trained than most police and have more experience.
i do not contest this assertion.

i have shot with cops, and they really do suck balls with their iron.

most of em cant even manage a fastdraw or hit a standard NRA 25 meter pistol target outside 7 meters reliably.

i even had to show one "veteran" cop with 10+ years on the force how to take down a 1911.

seriously, he didnt know you could take out the barrel bushing.


Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
That's democracy.
The people choose representatives and allow them the power of making the rules.
If they fuck it up they lose their votes.

If every person chose what laws they would obey and what taxes they chose to pay there would be no system.
Just chaos.

I break the law by growing cannabis because I strongly disagree with the law and feel I can justify my actions morally and ethically.

I may be a 'leftie' but I'm no pacifist who would allow anyone to try and rob me.
If you knew me you probably wouldn't even be this opinionated with me.
But this is cyberspace where everyone is tough and successful....
funny, i didnt know i lived in a "democracy"

i live in a Republic, and unless you dont actually live in britain, so do you.

america and britain both are now run, not by our representatives, but by the mandarins they appoint to do their jobs for them while they are campaigning and raising money.

did you ever get a vote on who runs the NHS?
did you get a vote on how many asylum seekers could flood your council home tower block?
did you get a vote on how long british troops will stay in afghanistan?

you dont get democracy from national bureacracies, you get dictates from faceless bureacrats


Well-Known Member

....how to take down a 1911.

....he didnt know you could take out the barrel bushing.

That 1911 Field Stripping, is my second most favorite blindfolded activity.

My first most favorite blindfolded activity? Feel Stripping.