Himalayan Gold Feminized Micro Closet Grow 150 watt HPS


Active Member

Here are the plants in their 1st week under 12/12, Big Bud on the right and Himalayan Gold on the left

Here they are 5 weeks later. Big Bud is now a little bit taller and has more buds than the HG.


Active Member
Today I took some clones from a friend's grow.
I have 3 L.A Woman, 2 Himalayan Gold, 2 White Widow, 2 Pure Power.




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I'm not really sure, this is my first grow. I'll wait until 80% of the pistils turn red, hopefully 4 weeks from now.


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forgot to subscribe

When time gets close grab a 60-100x scope at radio shack. $15 with a light :) Those babies are looking B.E.A. Utiful!! Will keep checking up for sure


Active Member
dude dude feelin that photo shop..props you.......the first one that you shaded out and stuff is still the fav but the other ones is sickk toooo........but back to the subject mr Gastanker is correct...the microsope is the best way to go.....


Active Member
nice man! your hg seems to have bigger buds. my himalayan needed more space and light to really develop her bud potential.
the bigbuds plant is getting a lot heavier than the hg.

this is the hg top cola:

today i flushed both plants and now no more nutrients, 2 more weeks till harvest.