High Thoughts


Active Member
alright I kno Im supposed to keep it real, but I have to share this. This is a thought that just came to me, as you may inderstand. There are times when you see someone as truly truly fucked up. Im talking like a whole bottle of vodka drunk, or like 6 joints blazed. The thing is, when you see these people, sometimes they start acting extemely insane, freaking out on a frightening level. This happens to drunks when they start getting into fights, or like when someone high has a bad trip or something. The thing is, I have a theory that explains this. This theory explains whats going on inside their heads to make them behave this way. First, lemme talk about cenile people. These are people that are so old, that they have lost touch with reality. Its true that in your last monets of living, your body releases all of your endorphins at once to make your passing more euporic. Whats more, sometimes you can see your whole life flash beforre your eyes. I believe that being in such an extreme state of consciousness allows you to completely put the pieces together about the meaning of life. Reality is the most real when you are about to die. I believe that when you are so f-ed up with drugs when high or drunk, you experience something similar. And that something is vbrutally frightening. You realize how terrifyingly short life is, and that is why people seem scared and psychotic when they are on the drugs. I also think the difference in these behaviors is caused by memory capabilities. The more memory you have, the slower time seems ot move, becuase its relative to what happened years or decades ago. BUt if your living in the moment like you are when your about to die or on stuff, you cannot escape the reality of the moment. Its like any moment you could actually die, and you wont be up tomorrow, the next day, or the next year or ever. ever. Looking that in the face is paralyzing. Its like nothing ven matters anymore, that since your about t die you need to do something, ANYTHING RIGHT NOW cuz honestly, we dont have a lot of tme left on this planet. NO one does. I also think that since memory fades with age, everyone experiences this gradually more and more until theyr so old and have so little memory that they become cenile. cenility it seems to me is nothing more than a realization of what life is about. I hope I know what cenility means by the way sorry but isn't it like u have lost touch with reality? I think thats what it means we'll go with that. thanks..


Active Member
i was reading the previous forums. so most aliens in movies are more superior indeed. Lets go hypethetical. Say that an alien race advances enough to grow onto other planets. Obviously, any intelligent life uses up all the resources then spreads, right? So, this alien race uses all their sources up, has this huge global metropolis city goin on, and they need farming land. SInce they know that an intelligent life will reproduce with no environmental challenges, what if they place a "livestock" onto a planet teeming with early evolved life. These placed intelligent beings, (obviously an alien race not very smart, just can manipulate their enviornment, like us) , would reprduce like mad, creating a population into the billions. What a perfect controlled environment to create a huge populaion with no maintenence, cuz they would fend for themselves naturally. Once they reach a large enough population, boom. Harvest time. Youve got enough food for a long long time. What I am saying is, it is completely possible that we have been placed here for the purpose of multiplying for food for another race. We could be the fucking interstellar cows of an alien race man! Naturally, we all know it takes thousannds of years for us to grow to the point we have. But it doesnt rule out that there arent thousands of these food planets around, each peking in population when the previous one has been used up. Eh?