High Medicare Costs thanks to Congress


New Member
In any government program there is lots of room for abuses, remember the 1,000 dollar toilet seats. the 500.00 hammer. This does not make the program tainted, just those in charge, in fact, The VA system makes venders bid on contracts, a much more viable model for universal healthcare.
Is the system perfect, no far from it, is it better overall than no medical, or limited medical, hell yeah. Any government program needs participant oversight, the VA has patient advocates in every facility. You feel you've been wrongly treated, you see an advocate and he files a complaint. there is a set time period the VA has to answer the complaint and correct the situation. All government programs should have competitive bidding on contracts.


Active Member
There is one thing wrong with people bidding on contracts for healthcare. You would have to include pharmaceutical companies and doctors bidding. And neither group would want to do that. McCain wants a healthcare system where everyone who affords it pays in. But the problem with that is illegals don't pay taxes, I doubt they would pay into healthcare either. And Obama wants the healthcare system that Congress has. Which would cost trillions of dollars over the years. Have you heard the health benefits that Congress gets. Everything is covered, and I mean everything they need medically is covered. Which is a good plan no doubt. But how do we fund that type of insurance for 300+ million people? Not counting illegals who take medicare, medicaid already without paying into the system. And that is what will happen with Universal Healthcare. You, me, and all the working legal people of the country that pay taxes will pay for all of those who don't pay into the system. If that's the case, I would give it 3 years before Congress decides to raid that fund for their pet projects like they have Social Security. Seems like if you put a Bank Account in front of a politician then they think it's their universal piggy bank.


New Member
There is one thing wrong with people bidding on contracts for healthcare. You would have to include pharmaceutical companies and doctors bidding. And neither group would want to do that. McCain wants a healthcare system where everyone who affords it pays in. But the problem with that is illegals don't pay taxes, I doubt they would pay into healthcare either. And Obama wants the healthcare system that Congress has. Which would cost trillions of dollars over the years. Have you heard the health benefits that Congress gets. Everything is covered, and I mean everything they need medically is covered. Which is a good plan no doubt. But how do we fund that type of insurance for 300+ million people? Not counting illegals who take medicare, medicaid already without paying into the system. And that is what will happen with Universal Healthcare. You, me, and all the working legal people of the country that pay taxes will pay for all of those who don't pay into the system. If that's the case, I would give it 3 years before Congress decides to raid that fund for their pet projects like they have Social Security. Seems like if you put a Bank Account in front of a politician then they think it's their universal piggy bank.
George Orwell said it best in his book Animal Farm: "All pigs are equal, but some pigs are more equal than others."

Animal Farm



New Member
So, in other words, if only the "right people" are in charge, socialist fascism works?

There you go again with your twisted view of socialism. By your standards, any form of government could be construed as a fascist one. I'm thinking We could even apply this to your beloved libertarian party. The libertarian Fascist party, has a nice ring to it, eh?


New Member
There you go again with your twisted view of socialism. By your standards, any form of government could be construed as a fascist one. I'm thinking We could even apply this to your beloved libertarian party. The libertarian Fascist party, has a nice ring to it, eh?
Your comment above is so ridiculous it doesn't deserve an answer. But ... I'll humor you anyway.

The Libertarian Party stands for State's Rights, a smaller, less intrusive federal government, chaining the federal government to the words and intent of the Constitution, lower taxes, less bureaucracy, individual liberty, legalizing victimless crimes, sound money .... etc.

Does that really sound like fascism to you? :roll:



New Member
Your comment above is so ridiculous it doesn't deserve an answer. But ... I'll humor you anyway.

The Libertarian Party stands for State's Rights, a smaller, less intrusive federal government, chaining the federal government to the words and intent of the Constitution, lower taxes, less bureaucracy, individual liberty, legalizing victimless crimes, sound money .... etc.

Does that really sound like fascism to you? :roll:

If I used the same glasses that you look at socialism through, it probably would. When you put the individuals rights above everything else what you really have is chaos. BTW show me a country, state or any body of people where Libertarianism has worked and flourished for any length of time, what you can't, oh darn.


New Member
The first two hundred years of our history, Med.

Oh, it would work if it weren't for unchecked greed and special interests. Can you show me one society where socialism, especially socialism of Marxist or Fascistic societies have survived?



New Member
The first two hundred years of our history, Med.

Oh, it would work if it weren't for unchecked greed and special interests. Can you show me one society where socialism, especially socialism of Marxist or Fascistic societies have survived?

Bullshit, we were a jeffersonian democracy not libertarian. Everytime I nail you, you change the subject or just fade away. What no retort to my progressive definition, hey I've got more on the progressives. Your free market corporations have taken over government and made a oligarcic plutocracy out of our democracy, they now control the whole country and BTW, 99.5% of all the major players are Jews. Also, Just for curiosities sake, are you a freemason? It appears that you have the mentality.


New Member
Do you really think we have a free market, Med?

It was the lack of controls on corporations that led to this disaster we now call the USA, although it appears to not be a free market at present, the ability of corporations to close and move factories overseas lays claim to free market policies. When you're talking NWO, you're talking 75 cent an hr, wages in the USA. Pay attention, it's coming and that will be because of your blessed free market policies. It all boils down to class warfare, always has, always will. I feel for my kids and grandkids, but thank God, I'll be leaving shortly. I don't want a chip. If I can join the struggle in a positive way, I will.
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Well-Known Member
Bullshit, we were a jeffersonian democracy not libertarian. Everytime I nail you, you change the subject or just fade away. What no retort to my progressive definition, hey I've got more on the progressives. Your free market corporations have taken over government and made a oligarcic plutocracy out of our democracy, they now control the whole country and BTW, 99.5% of all the major players are Jews.

Med your just full of shit. many jews are to the left of you and the players that are jews is less than 10%.
Please stop trying to stir people up with stupid shit.

medicieman1045224 said:
Also, Just for curiosities sake, are you a freemason? It appears that you have the mentality.
The freemasons mentality made the US into the best country in the world, and if you understood the mentality you could undersa\tand why!