Hi, newbiw grower with some newbie questions.


Hi there, ive just recently found this webpage and glad i did, its very useful, I been reading up on this site for a couple days now and theres still quite a few things i dont understand before i start.

Ok well i have some questions if someone dont mind helping me? thank you.

I have a small budget of £100 GBP, to start a little grow up of around 4 pots, with a small tent, including seeds and lights etc, is this possible?

Can decide wether or not to use those little rock wall blocks or some soil? if soil which one do i need to look out for?

What bulb should i buy? i was going to just buy one High powered sodium bulb? hoping that will be my only light i will use through the whole process, is this ok?

What Nutrients do i need to buy exactly? and where do i buy them? and how do i use it? do i mix it with water?

After the seeds very first sprout and i place them in the medium, do i need to set my light up right away? or do i wait for the plant to grow first before i turn on my light?

Ive been smoking skunk for some time now and am quite a fussy smoker, so of course i want nice buds. As you can see by the questions im really new to the growing thing.

PLEASE HELP ME! :bigjoint:THANKS EVERYONE.:bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::sleep:


Well-Known Member
well i think you need more money.you want 4 plants.how big you want them?if you want big plants you should go with a 400watt hps.in my opinion you should veg with metal hide and then turn to hps.but you can do it all the way with hps.just be careful with stretching.you must read a lot before starting.there are so many things that youll learn.
Can decide wether or not to use those little rock wall blocks or some soil? if soil which one do i need to look out for?

i use soil.i go organic.i use bio bizz all mix and root juice ,bio grow,bio heaven.here is a link http://www.biobizz.nl/#
and here is their schedule http://www.biobizz.nl/download/growth_schedule/BioBizz_product flyer_UK-English_72dpi.pdf
be careful with all these fertilizers and you should start with 1/4 of what they say and then slowly increase.
of course there are a lot of other products you can use

After the seeds very first sprout and i place them in the medium, do i need to set my light up right away? or do i wait for the plant to grow first before i turn on my light?

well what i do is wait till the first leaves apear and then turn on the lights but not that close to the plants cos they are young and dont wanna burn them.about the distance here is a good info


No thanks, i understand about the sex, maybe some more help on my above questions? many thanks :+) i will add pics in a week or so when i start. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
if your budget is what you state, then a hps setup may break the bank
not sure what the price of cfl's is where you are, but very good results can be obtained with the right strains, and a small setup of cfl's are a very good way to get started cheaply