Hermie Questions


Well-Known Member
so if i have a hermie in my room, i know i will get some seeds but will it definitely pollinate every female in the room? ive been looking and i havnt seen too many seeds in the buds, a few here or there and im less than 2 weeks from harvest on most plants. also, if some of my clones turned hermie, does that mean that the clones from the same mother in the future will be hermie, or only if i stress them like i believe i did this time around? i just wanna know if im going to always get hermies out of every batch of clones i cut


Active Member
the clone will have the same sex as the plant you take it from. a clone from a hermie will be a hermie. a clone from a female will be a female...and of course, a clone from a male will be a male.

once you see a hermie, either kill it or grow it separately, just keep it away from your females because it will pollinate them.

Brick Top

New Member
A little info about hermi's that some people do not know.

Plant physiology

Cannabis reproduces sexually. The flowers of the female plant, in cannabis usually called buds, are arranged in racemes and can produce hundreds of seeds. Males reach sexual maturity several weeks prior to females. Although genetics disposes a plant to become male, environmental factors, including the diurnal light cycle, can alter the sex. Natural hermaphrodites, with both male and female parts, are usually sterile but artificially induced hermaphrodites can have fully functional reproductive organs. 'Feminized' seed sold by many commercial seed suppliers are derived from artificially hermaphrodytic females that lack the male gene or by treating the seeds with hormones.


Well-Known Member
what if the plant i took clones from just went hermie from stress...then the clones will still be hermie?
The clones shouldn't be hermie, but strains that go hermie due to stress tend to do so because they are easily stressed and their stress response is hermie ... That part of it will still be in the clones (easily stressed / likely to hermie) but other than that the clones should just be 'normal' plants