Hermie Problem!!!! Need a Solution!!!!


Active Member
Plants are 4 and a half weeks into flowering and 1 of them is showing signs of hermies. Others look fine and healthy the hermie one is not even producing as much and I know its due to the fact that the plant is taking energy from the flowering to produce seeds. My question is will the plant polinate my other girls and give me seeds? Should i kill it or should i just cut the pieces off where i see the seeds forming?? I also know about the hermie reversers such as the reverse from dutch master and others but Ive also read that its not good to spray so deep in the the cycle. Your help would be highly appreciated. Thanks.

I should also let you know that I had a problem with my timer and the lights were off for about 36 hrs I know this can be a big problem thats why Ive been monitoring them very closely now, and noticed that some of them look like they may have little seed pods but they can also be calyxes exploding with resin. :-(


Well-Known Member
Once the pollen sacs open yes they will pollinate the females. You can try to keep cutting the pollen sacs but its gonna get very very tedious. If your not sure why didnt you upload pics for us to judge and tell you? If your gonna post mine as well post pics mate..


Active Member
Thanks for the reply guys. Sorry I wasnt able to post any pics I tried to get some but they just looks shity with all those lines running thru them from the HPS's and they are just too big to even take out of the tent I have a 10 x 5 grow lab 145 l with 8 of them in there i already have them bended on the roof 6 ft plus super wide monsters. Finaly said fukit, and just ended chopping half of her down. Sad but i just did not wanna risk it. I also found some more that look like huge calyxes on 2 of my other girls.

Have you guys ever broke up some dank and found like little brown balls in there?? thats what is in those calyxes/pods. I broke a couple open and found lil tiny green seed like balls in there. Ive had outdoor hermie plants that got pollinated so I know what hermies look like. Im not a newbie in the crop game. Im just hoping they stay little and dont develope. The strain is diesel and I actualy got the seeds from one of my boys crop that turned hermie on him. All seeds were female I got like 30 of them and all were chicks.

Thanks for your help! Any advice or questions you may ever need or have that i can help you with with id be more than happy to.


Well-Known Member
Lights off shouldn't do anything bad.

And to answer your question, the herm will totally ruin your entire crop. You'll know when it happens too, all the pistils will start dying off quickly.

You may want to assess if this is a problem with the environment they're in or if its genetics...and as I've said in other posts, all cannabis can go herm with the right conditions, some more so than others.


Active Member
I'm going to keep observing my other plants but I don't think they've been pollinated. There are no signs of male flowers they just look like huge calyxes. This strain is very very packed with resin u can feel the ooze stick to ur fingers when I was checking out those calyxes. The lil green seed like things I found inside the calyxes are just normal. I found that to be true through non stop research I've been doing ever since I even thought they were infected. All bud seems to have this. Its what I mentioned in my last reply. Those little seed like things u see sometimes when u break up some buds. I read in a couple of threads that ppl reported seeing this in most buds they have purchased even from other dealers. I even saw pics of the same thing. Anyone ever noticed or broken a calyx open to see what it has inside?? Thanks

Max Q

Definitely get that plant outta there. Cover it with a bag and carefully remove it. Spraying Reverse is a good idea too.