Hermed and seeded. Help me figure out what I did wrong. So depressed and need a hug!

[h=2]Hermed and seeded. Help me figure out what I did wrong. So depressed and need a hug![/h]

Very depressed today, I've managed to screw up my first grow attempt. Well somewhat anyway, as today I checked on the plants and I've been keeping an eye on a couple bud sites b/c I noticed pockets that look like they could have been nursing seeds. Couple of those pockets have now opened and sure enough she's got seeds

Now being this is my first grow, I did try to read a TON on how to care and nurse the ladys to good health(I'm obsessive about new hobbies lol). I thought I had most of the bases covered, but something went wrong for them to go to seed. Several suspects so far.

1) Bagseed---I have 3 ladys out of 8 planted that were fems. The sex was determined BEFORE flower so I don't see that being an issue. However, maybe the genetics of the mid(was good mid mind you) that I wanted to try to nurse up to some decent smoke is unstable and could be one reason it got moved on the street as mid??? More apt to herm????

2) Temps were unstable for awhile around weeks 4-7 of flower. When I got my Area51 leds, I went from about 460w of Blackstar LED and T5 fixtures to about 920-940w of Area51 leds in the 5x5 tent which that sits in a 8x7x8 room. Temps for about a week were in the high 80's to low 90's. Then I put a vent in room and got them to the low 80's for about 1-2 weeks before I took the plunge and got a 10k btu portable AC unit, and now tent temps are in the high 70's to low 80's.

3) My 5x5 tent is a cheaper one off Amazon--- I have a small 20w or so CFL in my storage room that I do turn on if I need to work in and around that room or go to the 2x4x5 tent that is also in that storage room. Also, if I'm in the 2x4x5 tent, and those lights are on, that tent does face a non zippered wall of my 5x5 tent, and there is a passive vent flap there, maybe light leaked???

4) I changed light setups 3 times for the first 4 plants that were in the 5x5 tent. Initially big t5 fixtures, then to LED/T5 and finally all T5. Maybe they freaked a bit?

5) Tent is over packed now a bit. Didn't realize how much some of these plants would stretch or bush out once they flipped to 12/12. I could easily(and will next grow) go from 12-13 which I have in there now, down to 6-9 and scrog them. They are packed in there and some are up into eachother :(.

Never saw any male banannas, so I'm really bummed about this. It's not the end of the world mind you, but I thought I had somewhat of a handle on this since I've put so much time into research etc... trying to learn on a self taught crash course with the help of the forums.

I have 3 strains going in this tent and only one so far, the one I call G6 which shows indica and sativa characteristics is showing seeds. Gotta believe is someone in there grew balls, then he's probably happily for him, taking his money shots whenever he can, and given my current luck the whole crop is probably seeded :(. Problem is, I haven't seen the little bugger, so tonight when lights come back on I'll have to hunt for the pecker(s).

So I need a hug from you all and tell me not all is lost. I know it will still smoke and probably be better than some ditch weed, but man I had such high, yeah pun intended, hopes. I need to try to look at the bright side and tell myself this is all a learning experience and once I hopefully figured out what I screwed up, I can hopefully prevent it in future. Plus for personal use for me/wife/some friends it will suffice. I wanted some medical quality stuff though, and was bragging to my friend who's helped me alot that I think we could nurse good mid to medical quality given lack of seeds lol. Well, guess that ain't gonna happen now. Plus the mid we got these seeds from did the job, and I would think having it not bricked up will help somewhat with quality. If I'm lucky(which I'm not generally) maybe only a few seeds happen, but man I just can't see that happening.

Guess I'll start looking for better genetics from sammies or Nirvana and get some legit strains to grow out.

Only break so far is I haven't yet gotten spider mites(knock on wood)



Well-Known Member
when a plant self pollinates itself it produces female seeds.....just grow some more
well there's a bright spot. Fem seeds would be nice to have in reserve. Thx Nick

thx for the tip :). I'll look up the bubblicious ;).

On another forum someone mentioned commerically grown week often gets pollinated by young males before they were culled and results in strains that can herm easier??? Maybe that's why I had a 60/40 percentage of male to fem seeds when I first popped these(close to 50:50 anyway) and when I read some journals of people growing seed they found in dank they usually tend to be females?? Like that rare seed in bag of great weed. Just thought those peeps were ultra lukcy, maybe it's the herm>fem seed thing :).

Maybe a combination of all my screw ups.

Later tonight I'm going to pull all the plants, look em over really good in a non cramped environment and see if I can find the naughty girl who had a sex change.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
Don't be so hard on yourself, it happens to the best of us. It's not always as bad as you first think. The bud may only be lightly seeded or heavily seeded in localized areas. Be on the lookout for for pollen sacks and either cut them off or kill any plants that have them. The buds may still be excellent if it's not too seedy. Your analysis of the bagseed is spot on IMO, and that's why we all learn that genetics are so important to the overall quality. Get in your tent and make sure it's dark when it needs to be. If your work light is interrupting their dark period than it could cause them to stress out and hermie. I remember my first grow. I started with some of the best commercial weed I have ever had. It was lightly seeded with great taste and color but I didn't understand the concept of "dark period" and I had bananas everywhere. I often wonder what could have been from those plants if I had known. I've grown plenty of bagseeds since but never had any of them hermie on me.


Take a second before you blame this on your own user error. You can grow your weed perfectly with every variable in check, and it could still hermie.


Active Member
Take a second before you blame this on your own user error. You can grow your weed perfectly with every variable in check, and it could still hermie.
Don't feel so bad. I purchased 40 seeds from a respectable seed bank, so I thought. 4 strains and divided up between three growers. ALL of us got ALL Hermies! So three of us reasonably experienced growers got Hermies!


Well-Known Member
heat stress and light leaks prob did it. or like people said, any and I mean ANY strain can hermie. Period. I had querkle with a spot of hermie, and people on here ride subs dick like no tomorrow, not saying it was genetics, my plants are usually stressed to shit. But still. Unless its an XX female, they hermie.

All you who say no prob you have fem seeds, no he or she has seeds with HERMIE TENDANCIES BUILT IN GENETICALLY. no good
found a problem that most likely caused the issue.
Went into tent today during the dark period to check for light leaks and found one, although WAY different than I thought possible.
All the Area51 leds had a slight glow to them, enough so that with all 4 lights having many LED's with a barely noticable glow individually, as a group there was enough light to where you could see tent walls :O.
Started plugging, unplugging, and testing things with multimeter and ended up being the timer was allowing voltage leak through.
Damm, seeded a crop based on a cheap timer allowing voltage leak.
Gotta try to find a timer that will stop that from happening.
Also, not sure if I should pull the crop and start again, as I have plants that could go into flower now.
Oh well, live and learn!


New Member
No, most will be hermie and your just gambling using the hermie batch.
Not your fault just use better seeds from a reliable breeder next time bro.

Sorry princess your not getting a hug.​
OP he is right u dont get fem seeds that way and seeds from hermie will be hermies


For fem seeds i thought you collected the pollen from the herm and pollinate a stable female with that pollen. What do i know though :) I've not done any more tha simple pollen chucking


New Member
For fem seeds i thought you collected the pollen from the herm and pollinate a stable female with that pollen. What do i know though :) I've not done any more tha simple pollen chucking
nope that just gives u regular seeds
to get them one way is collidial silver


Ok, so what it sounds like to me is this:
1) It probably wasn't your fault
a) Sounds like your genetics were suspect at best, but regardless, there is a huge but indeterminable population of cannabis that has hermaphroditic traits.
b) A lot, and by a lot I mean basically everyone who creates "feminized seeds" are really just creating hermaphroditic prone(and GMO) seeds.
c) Cannabis is a plant that can potentially change its sex based on its environment, though there is little but anecdotal evidence to prove that light problems are what cause a plant to "hermie."
d) "Hermie" plants are just more likely to pop their stamen near mid-to-end of flowering and if you aren't watching out for such a thing (which you should ALWAYS look for even when dealing with a "reputable" company), you're likely to miss them, even experienced growers can miss them.

2) Hermaphrodite plants aren't always terrible, I have had some that turned out quite potent and I wasn't able to clone then, so was somewhat pleasantly surprised to notice they had a few seeds, but unpleasantly surprised to find seeds in the other strains I was growing (Only one culprit popped stamens). The only seeds that turned out to be viable in that case (since it only happened once) were the seeds from the hermied plant. I ended up gifting the seeds to a friend who "lost" them anyways, but still, lesson learned.

3) Actually most plants in the wild are monoecious(one plant has both male and female parts), cannabis is fairly unique in that most forms are dioecious(plants have 2 different sexes, like humans, each with individual characteristics) , however it can be both; the only disadvantage to monoecious varieties is that they are typically shunned by humans...

4) Unfortunately, you should probably take the segregationist approach and root out the hermies and put them in a different room, if this is not an option or it's too late, then no big deal, cure as normal, but be careful before stuffing the herb in a bowl as if you don't check you might hear a *POP*, or grinding it up as I will tend to find chunks of seed and have to fish them out...
If they're loaded with seeds just harvest the seeds, freeze the leftover plant material and make hash out of it, then grow the seeds out and take a PROACTIVE approach to scraping off any stamen as they appear. To do that though you probably do need to space your plants out a bit more, they will like the extra space too.

Edit: I forgot, you'd probably have noticed a male in the grow as they tend to get very tall and lank, but if you're growing sativas or ScroG it can be harder to tell, still. As I'm sure you know, the stamen look like kind of like bananas, but they resemble that usually after are right before they drop their pollen, otherwise they look kind of like spades and are best differentiated from female sex organs un a microscope.

Best of luck, Stay Vigilant and Happy Tastings!


Active Member
I'm of the opinion you'll get some fem seeds, but being that it was so easily stressed you're more likely to get more hermaphrodites. It's why when they do take fem seeds they look for generally the most stable genetics as to reduce the number of hermaphrodites. Now if you're plants were stressed by chopping half of them or basically killing them by under/over nuting or watering, you might have better odds of females. But it's still up in the air unless you are certain of the genetics.


Well-Known Member
If humidity is not an issue.

Spray with water ! ASAP !

Don't drench ( keep fans going ) Making sure to turn any HID off first.

Wet pollen is dead pollen.

Lightly mist entire plant but don't drench...shake plant to get any big drops off.

Repeat every 3 days until harvest. It's easy for me to suggest since I live in one of lowest RH states in the US and high humidity or bud rot is not an issue.
Live and learn. Was my AC wiring in that room. My hot and neutral were "backwards" which still worked fine being AC, but let some voltage leak through and let 1.3v into the fixtures and that was enough to allow a faint glow of the diodes. Traced my wiring back to where I ran it from, swapped the white and black wires and no more glow. Live and learn.

Anyway, run ended up good despite even more mistakes after this. Nuked them with nutes in the final weeks, killing most leaves off :(. Man, what a learning curve. Next run should be way better :). Still got some good smoke out of it though :).


New Member
Live and learn. Was my AC wiring in that room. My hot and neutral were "backwards" which still worked fine being AC, but let some voltage leak through and let 1.3v into the fixtures and that was enough to allow a faint glow of the diodes. Traced my wiring back to where I ran it from, swapped the white and black wires and no more glow. Live and learn.

Anyway, run ended up good despite even more mistakes after this. Nuked them with nutes in the final weeks, killing most leaves off :(. Man, what a learning curve. Next run should be way better :). Still got some good smoke out of it though :).
well now that u got it worked out im sure next will be better - happy growing