Here is Trump saying marijuana legalization is bad

Captain Keg

Well-Known Member
Says the guy rating people on wether they are dark enough to be called black.
What about Obama is he dark enough for you to consider him black?
Well, on a birth certificate it mentions "ethnicity".
So yeah....damn those racist midwives!

Reported for race batin' once again.

I don't know, I don't take colour into consideration when speaking to a person, how would you rate him ya racist?

cat of curiosity

Well-Known Member
You are born black, you aren't born a Christian.
holy fuck! i didn't realize you're anti-semite!!!

because they are born jewish, but christians are just bs?... so you're anti-christ as well...

pick your words carefully. what applies to one culture is discriminate if not applied to all, right?

bad, i mean GOOD argument bro...

cat of curiosity

Well-Known Member
You are born black, you aren't born a Christian.
We've already established that cat of curiosity is a dumbshit, but I find myself observing it proved over and over again.
Fucking morons everywhere recently.

Thanks Trump.
See that...

Shit you missed it, that was the point flying right over your head.


Trump is definitely not sending his best.
Says the guy rating people on wether they are dark enough to be called black.
What about Obama is he dark enough for you to consider him black?
What would you know, mistletoe.
holy fuck! i didn't realize you're anti-semite!!!

because they are born jewish, but christians are just bs?... so you're anti-christ as well...

pick your words carefully. what applies to one culture is discriminate if not applied to all, right?

bad, i mean GOOD argument bro...
wow, you've convinced me!

great job! thank god hillary won, eh?


Well-Known Member
you guys are so funny! you actually think you're being mean when everyone is actually laughing AT you...

i'll pray for ya... unless you're jewish, because you guys are chosen and stuff...
wanna fucking bet?

how many converts have you met besides buck? do you know how HARD it is to convert to judaism?

didn't fucking think so. only jews go to heaven. they are chosen.

Reported for clueless Antisemitic rant(s).

cat of curiosity

Well-Known Member
I don't give a shit what bullshit religious people believe, no one is born a particular religion.

It's 100% the parents choice.

Are you retards honestly trying to say Judaism is "genetic" ?

That's not "Third Reich"-y at all...
yes, hebrew bloodlines are genetic, and passed on as the chosen ones. they are the chosen. dude, do you even fucking read?


Well-Known Member
How about you fuck off to Isreal or the Middle East & tell them how to live their lives & raise their children?

So what's the next war will you be supporting?
I'll gladly tell anyone that religion is not genetic.

The religion might have eugenics based entry conditions, it doesn't mean people are born a certain religion.