Hemp cannabutter...


New Member
Hey guys, long time lurker and I just joined to see what you guys thought of my experiment that's cooking right now.

There's tons, and tons of wild hemp where I live. The THC in it isn't high enough to be smoke able but unlike industrial hemp it does get trichs on it and smells pretty dank. So I thought to myself why not try to give it a go making it into some butter.

Does anyone else have experience doing this?

Any thoughts?
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New Member
You have to decarboxylate the pot first. Put it in a 240ºF oven for half an hour. This will increase the THC content and reduce other compounds that you don't want. Here is a good explanation.
Too late, my batch is already cooling off in the fridge. Lets hope it turns out into some thing other than disgusting tasting butter lol. Good info though, I'll let anyone who cares know how it turns out,


New Member
Let me know. Then find some more, decarb it and see if there is a difference.
Will do man. If this works out it'll be a gold mine. I live on a small farm and about 10 acres of it is 12 foot tall natural hemp. If I could make all that into tincture I could have gallons of it.


New Member
It worked. I'm baked. I'll try the decorbanoytaou9fr8yewolfh thing with my next batch. Maybe try making a green dragon tincture
How was the high? i live where the stuff grows too, a few weeks ago i posted about how i made ISO hash from a few test buds i took and nobody believed that i got high... i just harvested more and its so much more covered with trichs! about to make some butter aswell :)
you wouldnt catch me dead smoking the flower. could you describe the smell? mine smells really fruity. even some pics would be cool for comparison! hope to hear from you