
Active Member
Hey guys need a little help here

I will be starting with the auto flower dwarf seeds

after researching all the nutrients , i think i will be going with the

Bio grow , bio bloom and top max( if i need to add anything please let me know :) )

but i need help with the soil, (gunna think im dumb after )

but i dont get the soil, seems like everyone has a mixtures of different stuff to use

can someone suggest something REALLY simple..

i read about the ff ocean soil n that u should mix it with pertile or light warrior
there is a lot on the internet its hard to choose from, i dont understand if i need to mix this with something else or just use this by its self

can some brave person please let me know a soil i can use or or a simple mixtures.. i was gunna go with promix which was recommended from a friend but please let know whats best and easiest to use..

I dont get all the ingredients in the soil so something simple maybe organic ... i udnno im lost

any suggestion would be good, soil , lights , nutrients , anything
( i will mention i am using a grow tent and 200 watt cfl, which im thinking of adding another one)



Well-Known Member
A quick and easy soil mix would require:

# 5 parts soil.
Normal commercial potting soil should be fine.

# 5 parts perlite.
This enhances aeration of the soil-mix, helps prevent over-watering by increasing drainage and reduces soil compaction. Perlite can be replaced with coarse vermiculite or crushed expanded clay balls (mica, leca, geolite).

# 2 parts composted organic matter. This can be normal household compost. If you can find composted worm castings, seaweed or composted manures (chicken, horse) they can also be used for extra kick. Non-composted manures make the soil-mix too 'hot' for the plants and should be avoided.


Well-Known Member
any cheap, NEUTRAL potting mix. since you are going to control ferts, don't buy hot soil. save your ducats. when ppl use fert'd soil and feed it gets tricky, imo. either hot soil, and no ferts, or neutral soil and ferts. that's just my take on soil growing.


Well-Known Member
Stick with the fox farm Ocean Forest and just add perlite. It already comes with all the stuff mentioned above. It's tried and true!

Don't experiment with your plants!

Don't make up a hodge podge witches brew of soil based on old wives tails.

After your build your growing skills, switch to Promix.

Walk before you run and happy growing!


Active Member
thanks for the reply, i was going towards the fox farm and perlite, its recommended by everyone,
using this mix how long will i need to wait to start feeding?


Bio-bizz all mix thats what i use for my autos, has perlite and nutes already mixed makes things very simple as you dont have to think about nutes until week 3, and then i go with big bud bloom then flip to a boost, :) brings me good results.
good luck. sealegs


Well-Known Member
2 to 3 weeks then start your nutes at 1/4 to 1/2 strengh until they get acclimated. Don't forget to adjust the ph of the water. 6.3 to 6.8 range.