Help with resin use


Too many brownies
This resin you guys are all talking so highly of is almost completely inert and contains extremely minimal amounts of THC and CBD. Your just smoking all the bad stuff you didnt want to be inhaling in the first place.

You guys all talk of this burnt up nasty resin as if its hash. :spew: :spew: :spew: :spew:


This resin you guys are all talking so highly of is almost completely inert and contains extremely minimal amounts of THC and CBD. Your just smoking all the bad stuff you didnt want to be inhaling in the first place.

You guys all talk of this burnt up nasty resin as if its hash. :spew: :spew: :spew: :spew:

as sick as it is, i have known people that are absolutely convinced that pipe resin is hash...:spew:


New Member
pipe resin consists mostly of spit:dunce:

bong resin also has a certain amount of your drool in it aswell:dunce::dunce:

boil that shit atleast to screen out some of the yucky.

anyway resin is utter shit and 90% of the time gets washed down the sink with the rest of the bong water, whether i have ganj or not.

the only time i scrape my ONE pipe that i scrape,
is when its clogged. from smoking real hash.
and then sometimes i smoke that resin cause fuck it. its a hashpipe.



my tool of choice is a bamboo skewer - resilient, won't scratch, the bamboo's grain & rigidity helps to 'scrape' edges inside your rig... no need to abandon all that goo & all those pockets just coz u can't smoke a pipe cleaner (''.) heh


Well-Known Member