Help with my seed order!


Active Member
hey guys i was wanting to know if anyone has any idea if i could have my seed order sent to the UPS store for my pickup without any risk of the grow location being jepordized?

i live in the US and cant have it sent to the house out of paranoia! lolz

if anyone has any solutions for me, please let me know!


Uses the Rollitup profile
First off, UPS is a private company. They can and will screw you if possible.

If you've got no other place, order them using your address and the name of a previous tenant that you sometimes still get mail for.

HTH :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
get real. just send them to the house. If you get them from doc., they will get there
Depends where you live in the US. I and many, many others have had seeds sent by the Doc (and other seed banks) only to get ganked by Homeland Security.
Don't post such narrow-minded statements like that without knowing some facts. take a chance ordering seeds, regardless of where they are shipped to or who you order from.


Active Member
thanks guys. I think im going to take the risk. I might have a buddy that will let me send them to his house. YAY!
haha thanks for ur help guys.