Help! White powdery stuff on leaves near my precious bud!


Hi guys,

Just went to water my plants and noticed this white powdery looking stuff on the leaves which is only on the leaves near two of my buds, any suggestions?! I dont wanna lose my precious choof :cry: it does rub off when i touch it so im hoping its just something i've spilled on the leaves but it does look kinda suspect so any opinions on what else it may be and what i should do about it would be appreciated!




Well-Known Member
that is powder mildew, and it is bad and spreads pretty fast some times. they have sprays for it but it looks like your in flower and sprays shouldnt be used in flower unless they really need to. ive never had it so i dont know how to go about it


Looks like mold due to overwatering and high humidity. Stay between 20-40% humidity during flower and dont spray them all the time. Also water every 3-4 days or untill the top 3 inches of soil is dry.
I recommend using neem oil it gets rid of powdery mildew good, But if your going to harvest in 2 weeks or less you shouldn't use this because its been known to leave a neem oil taste in the buds if the plant was sprayed 2 weeks or earlier before harvest , but if your not going to harvest in 2 weeks, like in a month then it should be fine to use the neem oil.