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  • Is this a private message? I'm looking for more of your expeirence with PacficSeedBank...
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    Reactions: GroBud
    Notts county
    Best thing I ever done join here fact
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    Reactions: GroBud
    Antidote Man
    Antidote Man
    I cant find it for the life of me. PErhaps you need a certain status/post count to access those features? I had more indepth questions to ask you about pacific seed bank, how legitimate their strains are...
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    Reactions: GroBud
    Compared to like a square one genetics no they aren't better. But places like square one you have to buy atleast 10 seeds for 150 bucks. With Pacific you can buy 3 pay by mail and get 3 free for 6 seeds at 30$. I dont need 10 seeds if I like the bud I'll use tiresias mist off amazon and make more seeds. I can't complain and haven't had a issue with Pacific been using them almost quarterly for 4 years.
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