Help Me. Whats wrong with my plant?


i water this plant about once week. today wheni check on it. this is what it looked like
fthc 017.jpgfthc 018.jpgfthc 016.jpg
please someone help me and let me know whats wrong?


the sad part is no i have not done any PH testing snice i started growing. So i really dont know if its PH levels, i firgure they are good snice the plant has been growing for about a month and a half now


...what kind of soil is the plant in? ...have you fertilized it any? Growing outdoors?
the soil is organic 10-5-5 with nute for 2months no fez yet i just water it, and no i am growing it indoors under 5x26watt 2700k CFL I am trying to flower it now i have it on a 12/12cycle
(does she look rdy to flower I wonder)


Active Member
Shes starving dude with a sever lack of something, if you want to stay organic at least get some Alaskan Fish Emolsion 5-1-1 good luck with her. I would go back to 18/6 till she perks up...


Shes starving dude with a sever lack of something, if you want to stay organic at least get some Alaskan Fish Emolsion 5-1-1 good luck with her. I would go back to 18/6 till she perks up...
I will try the Fish Emolsion too, But think for the post guys! She is back to norm i guess now. i just went and checked on her as i do every 30min cause i love my baby. I think she was just a lil dry and she wanted my to make her wet. this is how she looks now snice i have gotten her all wet up.

fthc 032.jpgfthc 030.jpg
So you are telling me i should put her back on an 18/6 cycle. I think she might not like that and go homo on me. But i really dont know whats going this is my first plant every to live this long.
I hope that is all she need was some water.

again here is a pic before when i checked on her this morning
fthc 017.jpg
and this is after she got all wet
fthc 031.jpg

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
it looks like it's wilting. Watering once a week is probably not going to be enough unless it's in a real big pot. My guess is that it's in a small pot (looks a lot like mine) and you should transplant and/or fertilize with some high nitrogen fertilizer.


it looks like it's wilting. Watering once a week is probably not going to be enough unless it's in a real big pot. My guess is that it's in a small pot (looks a lot like mine) and you should transplant and/or fertilize with some high nitrogen fertilizer.
so watering her twice a week should help snice it is a small pot
fthc 017.jpg right?
or should i keep her in the same pot and just repot her with new soil, but in other words are u suggesting i keep her veg and not flower her correct?
I do have her in this size pot, cause i am not looking to have an 5ft tall plant.


Active Member
If she went from the first pic to where she is in your last pic stay on the 12/12. Once a week watering is a big strech in between, you see how the ends of your leaves are turning crispy, your girl was starting to eat herself. As I found out the hard way about watering, its up to your little girl and how much she eats. As a rule of thumb I use is to stick your finger into the soil and if the top 3/4 to 1 inch is dry then its time to water also the bag your soil came in "says" you should be good for 2 months but again if your girl is a heavy feeder then she may need additional nutes now. Good luck with your grow my friend if you have any questions just shoot the out there!

trichlone fiend

New Member
...when you overly dry your plants, you'll have dead tissue as a result alot of the times. Learn the, "lift method". Get an equal sized pot and fill with dry soil, then lift it up...that is your "dry weight". When your plant's soil is close to your "dry weight" it's time to water. I like to water, then rewater 1/2 hour later. You need some fertilizer after 2 months, forsure....high (P) for flowering


If she went from the first pic to where she is in your last pic stay on the 12/12. Once a week watering is a big strech in between, you see how the ends of your leaves are turning crispy, your girl was starting to eat herself. As I found out the hard way about watering, its up to your little girl and how much she eats. As a rule of thumb I use is to stick your finger into the soil and if the top 3/4 to 1 inch is dry then its time to water also the bag your soil came in "says" you should be good for 2 months but again if your girl is a heavy feeder then she may need additional nutes now. Good luck with your grow my friend if you have any questions just shoot the out there!
well, she kinda went like this.
fthc 014.jpgfthc 013.jpgfthc 032.jpgfthc 050.jpgfthc 051.jpgfthc 023.jpgfthc 022.jpgfthc 023.jpgfthc 024.jpgfthc 034.jpg
Ok this is her life within a month and half snice seed, My main question is do i need to let her veg more? Or Can put her into flowering now? please someone tell my next step i should take from today to have a good heatlhy plant, and my yield will still be good!!!!


Active Member
Yield is the independant variable, your girl is big enough to flower but the yield depends on many factors like strain of weed, pot size, lighting, so on and so on. Where is your grow area? Your next step is to monitor the girl and make sure she is happy that means keeping an eye on how moist the soil is and getting her some nutes. When you start your nutes start them about 1/4 of what the package calls for and work your way up from there. :)