HELP! leaves are drooping, dying, yellowing, got pics


Well-Known Member
can some one please help me. i got a 2 month plant in veggie with a 2-3 foot fluorescent light bulb in a 5 gallon bucket with miracle grow soil (just transplanted from a small container) i have it in 24 hour light. i water it every 4 to 3 days or when it gets really dry. the bottom leaves turned yellow then brown then died. then it affected the second set. skipped the 3rd set and went straight to the 4th. the leaves on top are green and look super healthy. also the new leaves that are growing look healthy. woke up today and it really affected the 3rd. i noticed the 5th set starting to droop also and has a slight discoloration and feel as though i need to act soon or i fear my plant might die.. its my first grow so sorry for being dramatic. my ph level is about 6-7 (sorry im using a color coded ph test.. for now). it says its high in nitrogen high in phosphorus and high in potassium. can any body help me diagnose whats wrong with my plant? please i would really appreciate it:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
looks kinda like ur lights are killing them, but they ar on the bottom so not really, i think it might just be the bottom few leave, they usually die off


Well-Known Member
i mean if u know wut u are doing then yea u can use mg. but if u can get fox farm oceans forest it the most recomended on this site


Well-Known Member
i mean if u know wut u are doing then yea u can use mg. but if u can get fox farm oceans forest it the most recomended on this site
well it is my first time. so i guess i really dont know what im doin.. should i keep it or change the soil to the fox farm soil?
if i keep it is there any chance it will survive?


Well-Known Member
well it is my first time. so i guess i really dont know what im doin.. should i keep it or change the soil to the fox farm soil?
if i keep it is there any chance it will survive?
yea im not sure about that if u changes soil it will cause shock to the plant and im not sure if it will survive


Well-Known Member
best bet is to make your own mix get a base soil something thats just dirt no nutes, add peat and sand or whatever you use to improve drainage, then add you nutes with watering when you need them you have better control that way


Well-Known Member
so the best thing is to keep it where its in? ok so what can i do about the burn? or is it normal for those leaves to die?


Well-Known Member
but just start over with the grow dont switch now, not say what you have has no chance but for future grows... can we see more of the plant like the whole thing?


Well-Known Member
best bet is to make your own mix get a base soil something thats just dirt no nutes, add peat and sand or whatever you use to improve drainage, then add you nutes with watering when you need them you have better control that way
thats dope. it makes sense. so what mix or soil would be recommended at the moment? im a beginner on a budget so im working with what i got for the next couple of days


Well-Known Member
they will not come back if that is what your asking. and yes eventually those do die off. as for the burn i would usually rec a flush but seeing as you have mg slow release it would only release more nutes bout only thing you could do is let it dry out water less often so you dont get so much nutes, or use smaller quantities of water more often you pick


Well-Known Member
thats dope. it makes sense. so what mix or soil would be recommended at the moment? im a beginner on a budget so im working with what i got for the next couple of days
hes talking about a soiless soil

its a mix u put together urself that has no nutes or anything its easier to controll


Well-Known Member
thats dope. it makes sense. so what mix or soil would be recommended at the moment? im a beginner on a budget so im working with what i got for the next couple of days
i dunno do a soil recipe search, i usually just mix and stir till it looks right lol,

50% base 20% peat 10% compost 10%sand 5%perlite 5%vermiculite?


Well-Known Member
that sucks. owell. i guess its back to germination. down to my last two seeds. and since the dispensaries in san dieogo got raided. all of them are going 21 and up. im 19 and the only one that let me has been shut down... so now i gotta find another way to get seeds. any ideas?


Well-Known Member
thanx. also do u think i should put the plants in a 5 gallon bucket right after germ or should i keep it in a smaller pot until i know its healthy enough to even use that soil? and can u re use soil?