HELP. Is this a HERMIE???


Well-Known Member
Is this a hermie?? It's in our tent with 3 White Widows which have about 2 weeks left before harvest. Should we remove it, if it is indeed a hermie? Can the buds be smoked or used for making cannabutter or edibles. We don't want the Widows to end up pregnant!!!!!!! Thanks for any advice you might have for us!!! :peace:



Well-Known Member
Look like it to me, Pop'em the seeds off and save them
their femalized You may as well wait till the seeds are dark
and ripe:)


Active Member
Might be the pic... but I don't see any indication of male pollen sacs starting. If the plant was in flower, you'd most likely get bananas at this time. Try for a few more pics just to be sure before you kill it... also if you take it outside way away from your plants and give it a good shake pollen could come off if it is a hermie. Otherwise, I really dont see anything that says "Oh yea thats a male part".

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
It doesn't look like a hermie, but something is definitely off. It appears to be revegging, check the dark period for light leaks and make sure your timer isn't set up wrong.