Help if FIRST complete grow (all details needs)


Well-Known Member
ALso the more I read the soil tester I have is crap! Its the kind where you put the soil in add water and mix with tables. What is a decent, better and best way to check ph and maintain.

I put this reponse in another thread the other day!!If ya go to walmart's fish section they have a little container with strips that have a 5 test capacity,Ph,Hardness,2 types of nitrate level tests and i think overall safety is the last test,all in 1 strip.I use them on my dro and my soil grows. work great,If a fish can live in it its safe for youre herb:leaf::weed:


Well-Known Member
Ghost420 - Really don't think its bugs, as one came back a lil yesterday and today when I watered both with water that was not 45 degrees more like around 70-80 they did alot better! Its wierd how only some plants can take a turn for the worse even with the same contidion as her sisters!


Well-Known Member
Well its offical I belive i have a hermi, i picked his balls off yesterday and took photos so ya'll can tell me if I am right or just made a rookie mistake and picked a bunch of new flowers off! i'll add that no other girls looks like shim did!

1. Arrows point to what i think are seed on a clearly female plant!
2. Seeds (balls) i pulled off with twizers so did open and white stuff came out (eeewww nut)!
3. Same as before but see the middle thing is that a clear sign of hermi! Pistals and balls~??

Thanks for everyone assistance! MUCH LOVE!



New Member
Yes it's a shim. Get it away from the others or they'll all get knocked up. I had a hermie and I mulched it into the ground with the mower. :twisted:

BTW your light setup is killer, I'm jealous.


Well-Known Member
They are ALL 23w cfl's, I started out with natural light for first 30 days, move them around alot in my back yard as to get most direct sunlight. Then put them under 12 - 23w 6500K bulbs at the first 30 day mark and made sure to show them the side of the bulbs. From 30 to 60 days nothing but the same. At 60days i changed to flower added 6 red 23w 2700K bulbs and I feel that they weren't very tall for that much of veg time! I think that would have been 2 to 3 feet tall if I had HPS but it was easier on a budget to just add as i could plus 2 -3 feet tall would have be way to big as I didn't know that they doubled or tripled in flowering, never made it this far honestly. Last one wasn't under my control but my advice. I am now at 84 day total (24 flowering)


***** I was hoping to make these CHRISTMAS BUDs but the more I learn the more it seems like maybe NEW YEARS. Can anyone verify my time line! I will stop watering on on DEC 5th. I will be at 120 days on DEC 12th. Now i know I am supposed to look at the trics (sp?) and judge but still learning about that (ANY LINK ABOUT EXACT TIME OF HARVEST ARE WELCOME) If it takes a week or so to hang/bag dry and then 2 week jar curing I am looking more at Jan 1st to be able to smoke! Now I WILL SMOKE SOME ON NEW YEARS EVE don't get me wrong! I know 12 hours won't make that big of a difference but a week will, right?! SO please anyone please verify or correct as you see if!

NO one is wrong here!:wink: I just don't belive everyone~! HA HA HA :eyesmoke:




Well-Known Member
MISSHESTERMOFFITT thanks for the comment! I am very pround of the light rack! I would love to add 2 150HPS and watch these girls take off but I think I am gonna just stay TRUE to CFL and see what happens!

Jtoth3ustin thinks that its not possisable that these are under 23w bulbs so I guess I should feel a lil proud right!?

So whats the CFL CREW about, whats it to get down?


Well-Known Member
Ok so i see some one gave me rep and to be honest I think its my first so to who ever thanks. As your request of the photo of my lights. There are 3 or 5 different photo of the progression of my light rack back in my thread! Please look back as I delete the photos after I post them! SOrry!


Well-Known Member
Ok so i see some one gave me rep and to be honest I think its my first so to who ever thanks. As your request of the photo of my lights. There are 3 or 5 different photo of the progression of my light rack back in my thread! Please look back as I delete the photos after I post them! SOrry!
It said hydrotech on the end right???????????<<<<<<<<<<<me,GGGGGGG


Well-Known Member
Sorry Hydrotech it doesn't say any name that's why I didn't know! Just the comment and when it was done and the title of my thread! So thats why I said that!


Well-Known Member
Sorry Hydrotech it doesn't say any name that's why I didn't know! Just the comment and when it was done and the title of my thread! So thats why I said that!
I may not have put my name ive been hurtin so i ate an oxy,smoking the rest of a fat bowl too peace:leaf::clap::leaf:


Well-Known Member
Ok so somewhere in this post I saw you saying something like "I thought it was a sativa but it has balls" ..... sorry if I am not exact...anyways there are male, female and hermie plants and then sativa and indica. Sativa has longer skinier leaves and lighter green color, gives energetic high and indica has fatter darker green leaves and gives more relaxing high...Thats in general, there is a couple other things about them. If its a sativa or indica, doesnt indicate if its a female or male.

I think you should rather then having all these lights invest in MH or HPS (400W my favourite) they will make the plant happier and the plant will thereafter make you me you will get sooo much better results with these. Most growers use MH for veggie (plant needs more of a blue spectrum that it gives out) and HPS for flowering (more red spectrum)

Another thing I wanted to let you know is....DONT USE MIRACLE GROW the soil has too many nutes, every time you water it releases them...and its like feeding your plants every time with full dose of chem. nutes. Its not good. Rather get cheap soil (regular, just make sure there is no bark in it cannabis doesnt like that) and feed them yourself (recommend organic fert. cause its almost impossible to burn your plants).

About the white spots... I would think bugs. There are pesticides that are not harmfull to your plants so even if you dont think it is, I would try it...well not anymore since you are in flowering stage but maybe next time...

Hope this helps GOOD LUCK!


Well-Known Member
NO either sativa or indica can be male! I just thought it was a sativa since it was taking so long to show signs of flower! IT finally showed signs of being female and then about 18 days into flower she became a shim and hermied! Clearly has pistals but then grew balls toO! I yanked the balls off and move shim outside to finish flowering and not fuck the other girls and there is a no tranny rule in the house!


Well-Known Member
naaa. i wasnt realy making a compliment. i said they looks like they are to big to be under just those lights( meaning get some 42W watters atleast.)


Well-Known Member
They get too hot to keep as close as I have these lights! I did the research and these IMO are the best for the money, lum's and par light!


Well-Known Member
HERMI QUESTION! Since the girl did turn to a hermi, will shim quit growing! I read something about if they pollenate the trics and flowers will basicly stop growing. Can anyone confirm this as I don't see any reason to keep her in the dirt if so!? Also is it only if shim was pollenated or just if it hermi's?


New Member
When a plant hermies and pollinates itself the seed production begins and that shuts down the THC production. If it's a hermie, you may as well be done with in, unless you want the seeds, but seeds from hermies can hermie too.

Seeds = less THC whether it's a pollinated female or a self pollinated hermie.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Miss, and just so I have some lifted confidence when doing this I should chop shim's ass down and harvest what I can! It would be good practice at harvest and cure for the lady's later! GOD YOUR SO SMART!!!!