Help if FIRST complete grow (all details needs)


Well-Known Member
Ok I know this is alot to digest but I figure more info better responce inregards to helping me!

I started these in paper towel they germ. for two days. I picked out the best 32 and started 4 trays of 8 in peat cups (apartments) with Mirical Grow Poting Mix and Rock at bottom for drainage.

Two weeks of natural sun light which I might add was only 5 hours of direct light and another 4 or 5 of indirect and the only light they have been getting and in that same time I watered everyother day and ferted 4 times (mostly folar) with regular Mirical Grow Plant Food at 50%.

After a total of 4 weeks I went and turned my storage shed in to their what I like to call HOME. I got 12 CFL 23w 6500K and rigged up a light rack with chain and hooks so I could move it! The bulbs are 3 to 4 inches from tops and two bulbs per plant. Temp has gotten to 90 degs. but not for longer than 4 hours usually from 85 at day and down to 65 during the night. The humidity ranges from 50%to 70%. I also got four 5 gallon buckets. Drilled holes, did the rock on bottom and mirical grow soil, picked out the 4 best looking ones took them out of the peat cup and planted them into the buckets. The rest I planted in to 2.5 quart pots with the peat cup still around them. I thought I was over watering was spraying leaves two or three times a day in small amounts. A friends that is older and has grown more veggies than me (no bud exp) said it looked like they were in need of water so I soaked the soil until it dripped out the bottom of the 5 gallon buckets and the smaller pots its been. Two days ago and now I have these issues one (The YELLOW lighting bolts is the older issue ((curling down of leaves)) the RED Arrows is the new issue((the white/yellow spots that turn in to holes))))

Please help with any and all information about what I maybe doing wrong!

The tallest plant is 11 inches and that is 6 weeks from being planted after germ. The average is about 7 - 9 inches but a couple are only 5.

****Also I had one of the plants in the five gallon bucket produce seed pods already I took it out and replaced it with the best looking one that was in the 2.5 pots. I noticed this about a week after I put them in the new house. To me that means that have moved into flowering already because of the short natural light period they had to start? Is this wrong?

I will admit I have not kept good record of watering or feeding of plants.



Well-Known Member
ALso the more I read the soil tester I have is crap! Its the kind where you put the soil in add water and mix with tables. What is a decent, better and best way to check ph and maintain.



Active Member
I've seen some people complain about certain MG soils as they release nutes every time you water. I wonder if your soaking released a whole bunch (if that's the same soil as you have).

Total nub here too (with my own issues lol) so that's all I can offer. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
---------------========== ATTENTION YODA==========---------------

UPDATE: It is getting worse and I haven't attempted anything. The leaves of a few are curling up, a few are curling down and now the spots are turing in to holes.

-------------======= HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP ========---------------
-------------======= PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE =========---------------


Well-Known Member
So wierd how things (the grow) can go so great for so long and turn so bad so quick..... Good luck guy, I know the feeling. Advice? shit I seldom take my own....


Active Member
check the airflow and maybe the ph. it should be between 5-6. if there are nutes in the soil then it's hard to flush them out. check and see whats in the plant problems section there might be sumthing similar


Well-Known Member
Ok well alot has happened since i posted at first!

The kids are now under 483w and a heater to keep warm. I am still debating on 2 150hps as I know they will become even more dense. Watering fine switched Distilled water (low 6.0 ph) no more issues with ph flux. also to MG Super Bloom, adding 1 tbl of molasase and 1tbl of hydrogen proxide 3% every watering. Started 12/12 about 10days ago. Down to 6 kids, 3 i know are female and I figure are indicia mostly, the last 3 i figure are mostly sativa because of slow signs of either male or female. Also the males showed quickly and ironicly were the smallest of the the surivors! I am hoping for only one more male but none would be great too! I started some CO2 ((yeast - one pack , sugar (2.5 cups in 5 cups of water), 1tbl molasase, 4 drops of vinigar as I read it will last longer with acidic ph and food (molassase) sugar isn't food it's more like meth to the yeast beast))

I have attached some photos before the switch! I will take some tonight or tomorrow and show you the new stuff!



Well-Known Member
Well all is well but me and the only other person to know(my alter ego) relized that. I started with 32 (natural sun) narrowed then down to 16 when I relised that, that was going to be way too many! Then 11 when I got my room set up! I gave two away, so now we are at 9 that I flowered. Out of those 9 I got 6, yes 6 females. THats' better than natures 50% rule actually 16% better than nature and I am all about it. No especial treatment to make them female (if there even are wayS), if any thing i was very rough on them as they were moved mulitplue time a day when they were in the natural sunlight as i had alot of shadows in my back yard and I thought i had to be direct light. Well still no photos and not much up date!

Girls As we now reffer to them are 15 days into flower and I am still waiting on one to show signs but yes I am counting it as a female already. I think its a mainly sativa since its been two weeks and still nothing a male would have shown signs already. my friend thinks that it will be the best out of them all but it is the tinyest. I promise i will get photos. I will try to take some monday when I get my camera back!

OH the yeast was a total hassel! At first there was too much liquid in the bottle and the bubbley foam it produced dripped all over my babies! I quickly got h2o and flushed the sites but I wonder if it will come back to haunt me with some type of but rot or fungus? :confused: I hope to find a small tank but its not a major concern I am more curious if I should spend the 55 bucks and get 2 - 150w hps so that these buds will be dense or should i spend it on somemore CFL and do some side lighting? ANy ideas! I know its my first but I want dense buds!


Well-Known Member
if thats what you can afford then go for it.
but for the amount of plants you have you are looking for more like 400watt


Well-Known Member
ok well I am attaching the photos I promised and I am curious as to what everyone thinks!

Option 1. Add 2 - 150w hps for $55 ( this doesn't include rewiring the lamps with remote balasts, making 2 reflectors or any other material than the lamps!)

Option 2. Add 11 - 23w clf 3 to complete light rack of 12 blue and 12 red clf then add either 4 or 8 (23w red clf's) as drop light (side lighting) for $51 (this would include everything but wire and wood which i have)

Wow its kinda of funny you put it all on paper and sometimes you answer your own questions! So far I think I will go with option number 2 but will still consider ya'lls input and change my decision accordingly!

Photos are as follows

1. Rear Left Girl (RLG)(Indica?)
2. Rear Right Girl (RRG)(Indica?)
3. Front Right Girl (FRG)(hybrid?)
4. Front Left Girl (FLG)(indica?)
5. Front Middle Girl (sativa ?? bearly showin 15 or 16day into flower)(FMG)
6. RLG signs of lady like quickly
7. FRG Shortest of the girls I baby her
8. FMG 2nd shortest but last to show signs of being a lady
9. s
10. RRG Tallest by far. I took the light off her top and put on sides so she would slow down but never worked. I will give her two more bulbs soon!
11. Light rack (will help to understand my idea of drop lighting in between plants (light is only at top 5 of 6 inches)
12. Drop lights? Anyone think it would be a good idea? So they would fill out better? Closest in photo is FMG (sativa?), one with taller bucket is FRG and far distance is RLG (indica?).
13. I think 2- 23w would be good in between each of the two girl so four set in total? Closest is FMG, far left is FLG and farthest away is BLG
14. Pretty much same shot as before! left to right FLG, BLG, and FMG
15. Opposite as before left to right FMG, BRG, edge of FRG

Hope this can give ideas, spark some critisim, and help me and anyone with questions or issues. I know the BMG didn't get any attention and I will appoligez to her for that but sometimes things get over looked! She will be a center fold someday, maybe?



Well-Known Member
The s in number 9 is a skip to hold my place and I forgot to go fix it and I am currently at 483w of 23w cfls, now finishing the light rack puts me at 552w and adding the drop light with 4 bulbs puts me at 644w or with the splitters and 8 bulbs i would be at 736w has any one ever see that many watts is a grow and here is the kicker, with on 23w bulbs. I know you can beat it will 150's or bigger but to do all 23w. Has anyone every seen that many in a grow? just curious! I probably could have spent the change on HPS i know but I like more light points and close PAr light! it is my first but I have done a lil home work and think it works well! Low heat, close par light source and i can water with the lights on if need be!



Well-Known Member
Your plants look pretty good to me. CFL's work great for vegging but for for flower you need more light penetration. If you want nugget type buds, fat buds, good yeild, etc. you need to flower them under an HID bulb. HPS is my preference because its the most efficient more efficient than cfl), but a MH will work too. With the CFL's you will likely get small stringy tops.

Skip the 150w HPS and go to 400w or maybe a couple of 250's. The cost is little more and the difference is dramatic.

You've put all this work into it so why not finish it right?


Well-Known Member
Well I went ahead and finished off the light rack by adding the two splitters and three more red bulbs. So now its a total of 12 blue 16 red with 4 of the reds being used as drop light or side lighting! I have attached photos and as always any comments or complaints are welcome!

Also I took 5 leaves off two of the lady's and tried my first attempt at cloning. I put them in a cup of water and cut the ends of the stems on a diagonal so well see!

Last but not least I have attached a photo of my exaust system and wonder if anyone know how much air on of those lil 6" desk fans will move! I have a 3x6x6 area which is about 108cf so i am supposed to be moving 324cfm or what is the correct amount I think i read 3x the area you are growing in. I am getting temps back up towards 100 at the top and 90 - 95 at plant level so i am getting worried!

1. Photo of girls to left with new drop lights, its like crack i can't get enought light for them!
2. Photo of girls to right with new drop lights, thinkin about splittin the drop light and adding four more bulbs, can't hurt right
3. Photo of exaust system (in question)
4. Photo of Clones (any advice on cloning)



Well-Known Member
Well i forgot to add i added some string and are trying out some LST on her as she is just one main stalk and lower branches were very tight against the main stem. So I gently tied her back a lil so hope more better penatration.

You can kinda see it in the second photo in update and questions~!


Well-Known Member
So i went to check on the girls today and on the one I thought was a sativa has nuts! Right under a few bud site have lil tiny pods that looked like the males I had. She have been flowering for 22 days now and I just noticed it today. No they might have been growing for a few days but not sure! I pulled on and a lil seed came out!


I don't want seed in the other five! Do I kill her? Do I just move her out so she doesn't convert the rest? I don't really have a place to move her too so it would be outside (risky)!

She has only be flowering for like i said for 22days and just seeing these could it be anything else? Could I havrvest Her?


ALso I have two of my girls that have issues, the both acted the same way but one rebounded quick the other is still ill! See photos (sorry couldn't get them yet) (description of girls: drooping leaves and stems, still standing up right just all droopy) the only thing I can think is that the water was too cold as it was rain water that sat outside of a chilly 44 degree night! I moved water into room to keep at a warmer temp I hope that, that was the issue but any help is greatly apprecitated!



Active Member
Dude get the hps it make a worl of difference i got 2 150w hps and as soon as i put them on my plants they were loving it the best investment ive ever made!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info I will check out the link and yes I just cut a leaf off as I had done this with other types of plants before and worked fine! Well I guess you learn something new every day.

