help clones are dying


so i got clones from my buddy, all the same strain and i got 10, and only 1 is looking healthy :/

i think its something to do with the roots

anyone got any idea's?


Active Member
you should transplant them into bigger pots soon as possible, and check the roots when you do. if they are in rockwool, its best to gently tear it off but try not to tear the roots. look for bright white healthy roots, or if they are rotten or brown or yellow, remove the dead part and look for healthy roots deeper in. if they have been moist all the time, let them dry out for a few hours at least after transplanting


i already transplanted them last night, there all droopy as hell accept one,
actually i think the others are dead,
i looked at the roots before transplanting and couldent see to much roots, but once again i got them all droopy accepted the 1


Active Member
What you need to do is put a plastic bag over the plants to hold the moisture.

Clones should show roots out the rock wool cube before planting into soil.
You need a plastic container for the clones if no roots are showing.
What can you do now? Place a plastic bag over the plant, after spraying the bag with water.
- check it every 3-4 hours, Or daily

When you get clones and they have no roots, Do not plant them in soil unless you have a humidity dome (the plastic bag)


thanks for all the replys, i kno i saw roots but not covering the rockwool only some roots yu can see,
i transplanted them asap when i got them,
i kno its not temps or rh or ph or the light, as temps are 22-26, rh is 40-50 percent im useing 2 different soil mixes and using a 600 watt light dimmed it down to 400 and its 2 feet away from the clones so wont burn them.
there green but there droopy still,
im not sure wut to do at this point


Well-Known Member
As someone else on another forum stated: "Unless you happen to live in the jungle, that humidity should remain ON."


Well-Known Member
As stated no dome low humidity?? did you at least mist them often? They are weeds after all and will do there best to survive..only hindered by us!! Goos luck read up and do it again it get's easier really!!Learning from your mistakes is the hard way try to learn from others! many good people here to help just ask, before it's too late, I'm sure even if these live they won't produce.. Move on and keep growing!! Best wishes for your grow pease jack


Well-Known Member
Theyre fucked ,no wonder he gave them to you.
You have to raise clones in rw cube ,jiffy pot etc not a big pot of soil as this causes overwatering(holds it too long) then death.