Help! Broken Autoflower needs transplant asap!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I just had a light fall while moving it, breaking one of my Dark Devils in half. fucking sucks, and I dont know what to do! people say to never top/clone autos but i cant stand the thought of throwing out all this growth. I've never never cloned and am wondering what I can do to save this, if anything. thanks guys!


Active Member
Fuck what people say. It certainly couldn't hurt to try, even if you fail. However, if you do want to clone it, you better do it ASAP because it's not a terribly long window that a cutting will make a viable clone.


Well-Known Member
im really asking what is the best way to clone
i cut off thte bottom sets to make a little stem and stuck it in a bottle of water with a little root stim in it
trying to figure out a way to make a little high humidity area. i don't know if that's really the thing to do. in my panic right now my searching skills are failing me


Well-Known Member
thanks, wish i had some any of that gear =) I think ive figured out something that may work... i'll let you know if she lives


Active Member
Don't focus too much on the gear as much as the technique. You need some kind of dome, some kind of rooting solution, some kind of medium to put it in, a knife and a spray bottle to take a clone, that's it. Stoners are born improvisors in our quest to make bongs out of everything. I believe in you.