Hello new on this forum. Planning on doing some outdoor..

I was just wondering about Jacks classic fertilizer. I`m looking for something simple with nutrients. I have done a lot of indoor, with rockwool. Ive used advanced, and GH. I just want something cheap and simple that will produce good results. Has anyone on here used jacks? if i use jacks would it be alright to flush them once a week?
Also i was wondering how deep should i dig? I wanna put them in the ground. i was thinking of removing 3 feet deep.. And using and using foxfarm for soil. Put them 5 feet apart from each other. I dont wanna do many. Just 4 or maybe 5. Most indica`s produce more weight. Do you think i would be able to pull 10 pounds off of 5 plants? If i pick a strong indica strain? I`m doing it in a area of California where it gets 105-110 degrees in summer. Should i RO the water? My tap water smells like chlorine. Thanks..


Well-Known Member
I haven't used Jacks' stuff yet, but I hear very good things about them. As for as depth, yeah three feet is about perfect. I haven't seen roots go any farther down then 2 1/2, except in a bucket where it was all root bound. I'm in California as well, so cal actually, and the weather right now is perfect. Yeah summer does get hot, but I add mulch and that usually takes care of it. Its just the seedlings and very young plants that can't take the heat. If you start asap, they will be big and hardy by the time summer roles around. For water, I use tap from the water hose. Only thing special is I make sure to let it run out for a minute so I don't accidently hit my plants with hot water. And my water has a weird smell too, but that's the plant's problem. It better deal with it if it wants to be cloned later. :)