Hello, Can You Help Me with Some Info Please?


Active Member
Just want some info on my water supply. I have very hard water ppm in the range of 320ppm to 360ppm and my ph is at 8.5. now im only doing a few plants as a hobby.
Wanted to know the problems i could see? im planning on a soil grow but im open to suggestions i have some bagseed and want to use them for my learning curve, would like to keep my plants healthy so thats why im posting.
Thankyou in advance fellow potheads/stoners.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Yeah, That sounds like my tap water. I grow hydro and soil.
You can go online and find info on the water in your area at their website most of the time.
In my area we have a bunch of crap from manufacturing. My friends water has the results of left over fertilizer cause he is in a old farming area so I guess it depends on where you live as to whats making up that 330ppm. I play it safe, for my soil grows I got a tall boy water filter. (well actually the short tall boy) This just has a sediment filter that takes it down to about 200ppm and a carbon filter to remove chlorine so I can use it right out of the unit. Lots of water too. you can hook up a hose to it. For my Hydro I use an R/O then add cal mag cause that removes everything.

Its good you are thinking about your water. If you have trouble down the line you know the waters good.

If you cant afford a filter fill 5 gal container and let it set out overnight before watering and look for nutrients that are made for hard water.


Active Member
thanks for the response dude...Am i right in thinking that the hard water will raise my soil ph? i think its calcium that makes my water so hard and high in ph?
so if i adjust my ph level down from 8.5 with phosphoric thus incresing my ppm? without even adding nutes?
sounds like a vicious circle?
I was thinking along the lines of buying a more acidic soil to begin with and trying to counteract the fact that the water is gonna raise the ph of my soil? what do you or anybody else think?
How hard is it!


Well-Known Member
Just want some info on my water supply. I have very hard water ppm in the range of 320ppm to 360ppm and my ph is at 8.5. now im only doing a few plants as a hobby.
Wanted to know the problems i could see? im planning on a soil grow but im open to suggestions i have some bagseed and want to use them for my learning curve, would like to keep my plants healthy so thats why im posting.
Thankyou in advance fellow potheads/stoners.bongsmilie
Shit your water sounds like mine, Ive tried switching to RO but didn't really see any difference


Well-Known Member
it's highly unlikely your water is bad enough to cause lockout and If it is I def wouldn't drink it lol. My tap water has a ph of 8.3 and around 300ppm. I had a ph problem with some promix and thought it was because of my water so I bout an RO system and It didn't make a difference. It was actually the ph of the promix that was the problem