helicopter incident (Cali)


Well-Known Member
@ dankasaurusrex - do you grow outdoor?
Nope. I really just have a small crop for myself as I'm a prop 215er and the county I'm in doesn't allow me to grow more than six plants. So I stick to that and have fun with it, trying to learn and pass on what I can as I enjoy the hobby and what ganja does for me. I used to do a plant or two in my back yard every year, that was always eye opening as to how much bigger they can get....but this in turn just made me paranoid that it would get ripped off, or if we had people over that didn't smoke they would see it and judge me. I would love to have a big enough piece of land to grow outdoors and be able to not worry about these things. Sadly....that's not the case :)

The White Buffalo

Active Member
Just wanted to mention that at least in Oregon last year the sheriffs dept had a contract with the coast guard and used those choppers to search for grows. Not the birds you want to see flying overhead inland at the end of summer.