HD Video of my Trichromes 60X Magnification. G13 Haze requesting amber % thoughts.


I have a video I took, it is 1080p and is a 60x magnification of this particular plant, it is a G13 Haze ( [video=youtube;92Mg0rCmVPM]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92Mg0rCmVPM[/video] ), the Trichs are looking pretty milky and only 1% or so are amber, what % amber do you recommend I chop this baby at, I would take a video of the plant while its under the light but it is a 1000w HPS bulb and does not approve of my iPhone 4's camera and the video will be horrible. I still see a high percentage of clear trichromes and thats my issue, a TON of cloudy/milky, hardly any amber and maybe 20%-30% clear... Thoughts? Is 80% milky ok or should I wait for more to turn amber. Sorry if this turned into a rant like question. Thanks!

edit: (Added the music to the video since someone said my fan system in the background was too loud and slightly annoying)


Anyone have some input? Or at least how to take pics with my iPhone under a HPS lol :). I'll upload another video later today of the actual plant if you think it will help. I can upload pics and vids with my iPhone but yeah... They will look horrible..