So.. from 13 pages I've concluded that nearly every single person has experienced something "unexplainable". And that there are many people ready to step in and cast stones- to put people back into their society training. The things I have seen and experienced go against everything they taught me in school, everything you're supposed to believe is possible. One could easily dismiss everything I have experienced, and try to argue away everything. But honestly, I don't care. I experienced it, I have searched out for a reasonable explanation, I made a conclusion, and I am not trying to convince you of my experiences, so why are YOU interested in telling me what I did or didn't see. Hence, I will remain silent of my experiences.
It has been so ingrained into society that so many things are not possible, that so many things don't exist. This makes it automatically a hard topic for people to talk about, just admitting and telling the story of something "crazy and impossible" is a task of bravery. People go into it knowing they will be ridiculed. Also, knowing the society reaction to such things will drive people to look for "reasonable explanations" immediately, before ever telling anyone else about it. So right away when people talk of these types of things we should assume they have looked at the obvious reasons and that this may require some truly open minded inquiry.
Every single person claims their personal right to believe and say what they want- yet most people do not give others the same respect. By ridiculing and trying to 'tear apart' people's stories you're attacking their right to say and believe what they want.
Our world is made of possibilities, not absolutes.
All my own opinion.
Peace & Love.
P.S. Fdd. About the planes- I am aware that while no one in the country was allowed to fly they were escorting Bin Laden family members out of the country. I'd imagine it was someone important or entitled.