Have You Ever Cheated?


Well-Known Member
Thanks ITW, you're right, and that shit was painful! Still painful. It's tough seeing someone you care about so much so sad.

I always thought I was completely immune to cheating on someone, but I think this experience taught me a valuable life lesson.
You made the right decision! It's hard to lie to people and it's harder to realize when you are lying to yourself. I know how hard it is to do what you did. I was in a similar situation for the last 4 years. My girl was my best friend for almost 10 years and lover for 4, but we ultimately wanted different things in life and it came down to relationship or career for me. It's been almost a year since i broke up with or have seen her and to be honest with you, i still think about how things could have been everyday. I love her and i think i always will. I'm honestly kind of glad i haven't seen her because my heart still flutters sometimes just thinking about her and if i saw her i would probably go weak in the knees, collapse, and pass out. Breaking up with her was probably one of the hardest things i have ever had to do and i've felt selfish for it ever since. I think i would have felt more selfish trying to make her life revolve around my life and career. Although i still would have been happy to have her, i just don't think she would have been as happy if i tried to make her come with me. I just wanted her to be happy and always will, she deserves the best. I guess my point is that you need to think things through as much as possible and put yourself aside sometimes. To this day, i still don't know if what i did was right or if i will regret it until the day i die.


Well-Known Member
sorry to hear keenly-

life's to short man, time to man up to it

i would rather have a regular girl that is fun, likes me too, and gives out good pussy, rather than a super hot, frigid, downer any day
do you ever notice some girls are always smiling, and be-boppin around, like their at a party, that's the girl


Well-Known Member
Yea I cheated and probably been cheated on to.

None were serious relationships though so I didn't care when they cursed me out and left lol

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Never cheated on anyone.

I have been that "other guy" a couple times though. I was horny and felt I didn't have any responsibility to her man, it was her that was fucking him over. I still feel that way, but don't think I should have facilitate it and regret it. I am older now and don't think it's right.

I had a gf sleep with my best friend in my other best friends bed. That was a pretty bad time in my life.

But fuck it right? Shit happens. Life's a garden - dig it!


Well-Known Member
See, I think you're right in that situation. You didn't have any responsibilities to her bf, still a shitty thing to do, especially if you know before hand she has a bf, but if it wasn't you, it would have been someone else right?

On the other hand, in your other situation, your best friend man? Wow, that's fucked up, I hope you delivered a righteous ass beating to him.

That's unforgivable.

Pussy will come and go, friends are supposed to stick around.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
See, I think you're right in that situation. You didn't have any responsibilities to her bf, still a shitty thing to do, especially if you know before hand she has a bf, but if it wasn't you, it would have been someone else right?

On the other hand, in your other situation, your best friend man? Wow, that's fucked up, I hope you delivered a righteous ass beating to him.

That's unforgivable.

Pussy will come and go, friends are supposed to stick around.
I used to think that way and justify my actions. It possibly (and probably) would have been someone else if not me, but that doesn't mean it's the right thing to do. I've changed my mind and feel like I DO have a responsibility to not bring harm to other people, even strangers. If everyone would realize this and stop acting so selfish all the time the world would be a much much better place overall.

Yeah it was fucked up with my best friends. No ass whooping though. He got punishment enough by losing an awesome friend and everything that came with it. Live and let live.


New Member
i would fuck around with other girls alot but not fuck them now that my girlfriend is pregnant i actualy took it further and fucked 3 other girls


Pickle Queen
i would fuck around with other girls alot but not fuck them now that my girlfriend is pregnant i actualy took it further and fucked 3 other girls
wow i hope she didn't do the same..... and i hope u don't get anyone else pregnant, sounds like you need to mature a bit more before you become a man.

i can't believe this many people cheat! ewww i need a wet nap, i suddenly feel dirty on this thread....

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
i would fuck around with other girls alot but not fuck them now that my girlfriend is pregnant i actualy took it further and fucked 3 other girls
logical - 4 dictionary results

kəl/ Show Spelled[loj-i-kuh
l] Show IPA
1. according to or agreeing with the principles of logic: a logical inference.
2. reasoning in accordance with the principles of logic, as a person or the mind: logical thinking.
3. reasonable; to be expected: War was the logical consequence of such threats.
4. of or pertaining to logic.
5. This post

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
i would fuck around with other girls alot but not fuck them now that my girlfriend is pregnant i actualy took it further and fucked 3 other girls
Man your gonna end up like my buddy and get 2 different chicks pregnant before the first one had the baby lol..


Active Member
<-- been cheated on: nothing better than seeing your girl you live with and had planed to marry pouring her hart out to some other dick on MSN. I only found out cause I had to water a plant on the desk.

I wouldn't cheat, but I'v been the other dude but didn't know it.


<-- been cheated on: nothing better than seeing your girl you live with and had planed to marry pouring her hart out to some other dick on MSN. I only found out cause I had to water a plant on the desk.

I wouldn't cheat, but I'v been the other dude but didn't know it.
I'm sorry about the girl...

I would never cheat, but I've been cheated on. Not cool! I think that about does it. I almost cheated once and that felt bad enough.....