Hash makers i need you ! Little probleme


Hi, its my second time making hash and it the second time it give me the same thing.

how I did it ; i took a 5 gal , i put some cold water , ice cubes and leafs with potential, mixed for about 15 min and took all the leafs that were floating with micron.

and it give me sumthing like this...

What do i do wrong ? or what can i do to make it black and bubling ?
I loocked around the web and it says that this is the the step before the final.
any1 can help me ?



Well-Known Member
Did you use fresh trim or just old dried leaves? I always, take my fresh trim and freeze it before it gets all dry and crumbly before I make my hash.


fresh trim but i didnt put it in the freezer. but do you siphon all the water out and then let it dry and it ready or you do sumthing after that ?


Well-Known Member
you siphon the water out, scrape the hash onto a drying surface in different piles based on micron size, you never mix different sizes.


Yeah doesn't sound like he is using a set of bags, just a single probably 220 bag. Most of us use between 3 and 8 bags to make our hash, that is how we get blond bubble hash, not that black nasty stuff you made. The first bag (like 190) i trash also, and everything left after my 25 bag i leave in a liquid form, lots of uses for it.


so i should use couple of micron and then just make it dry in a flat area and then how i make it to hold in a rectangle brick? here people like the black gummy stuff so i wonder how to make that king


Well-Known Member
I use an 8 bag set, the first couple are like gray keif, then they progressively lose the gray and become gold, 45-93mc is usually the best most stickiest hash.


Well-Known Member
There are a lot of different methods. You definitely want to use at least a 4 bag set. A 220 catch bag w/ 3 filter bags (usually you get like a 70, 40 and a 25 micron). You should keep the temperature of your mix as low as possible. Anything above 40 degrees and it will start degrading the quality of your hash. Freeze your trim while it is stll fresh before you make hash with it. How did you mix it? Wooden spoon? Drill? Washing machine? You have to be careful when you use a drill and spin it as slow as possible. The more vigorous the spin the more plant matter you will break up and add to your hash. When I use a drill I just spin for 5 minutes and let it sit for 10 and I come out with a pretty good product. Nice melty bubbley hash.


i used a drill and spin it for 15min and i let it sit 30min. mayb that one of my probleme, but when you say a 220 catch bag with 3 filter ? where do i get that and does it have the 3 filter in it or you do it one by one ? i need more detail please ! you already healped me with what you just said. thanks


Well-Known Member
i used a drill and spin it for 15min and i let it sit 30min. mayb that one of my probleme, but when you say a 220 catch bag with 3 filter ? where do i get that and does it have the 3 filter in it or you do it one by one ? i need more detail please ! you already healped me with what you just said. thanks
Like this: http://www.hidhut.com/catalog/payload-filtration-bags-gal4-bag-set-p-1596.html I have the 9 bag set which is a little more expensive.

Yes the long spin and sit is part of your problem. Your creating a bunch of small vegetation particles with the long spin, and by letting it sit so long your allowing all those vegetation particles to fall through your filter with the trichomes and contaminate the hash.

15 minute spin is for when you do it by hand gently with a wooden spoon. When using a drill just do 5 minutes and like I said set the drill to a low setting.