has anyone ever tried to add rooting hormone to your plant water?


can i water my young plants with water that has a bit of rooting hormone in it? what exactly is in rooting hormone? is it high in nitrogen? can it be used for other things besides dipping clones in? thanx!!!!!!!


i done it once after repotting it seemed to help them recover a bit quicker, i used like 5ml of it in 1 liter of water


Well-Known Member
After I clones ill take a pinch an put it on the top soil so it can slowly soak in.
Never put it in water thouhgh.


Well-Known Member
if they are already rooted just let it grow natural.. it will just make the roots explode and get rootbound if ur in a pot, and for no good reason in my view. iv done it one a clone that was takeing foreever to get ahold of life and it deff helped it get structure as a real plant.