has anybody ever thought about doing this?


Active Member
sometimes it pisses me off so bad that the government is willing to put people in jail for growing an innocent plant that i just want to germinate a bunch of cannabis seeds and go plant them all over the city. im talking like germing thousands upon thousands of seeds and then secretly planting them all over the place just for the hell of it to say FUCK YOU to the government and everybody who thinks cannabis is bad. anybody ever thought about doing this or has anybody done it before? would it be pointless or what?


Well-Known Member
Shit I've done it ...

When I was a teen in Dallas my friends and I would drive around just tossing our bag seed out the window of the car into anything that resembled dirt.

We had no means to grow so the seeds were worthless to us. We did get evidence that a few sprouted, but we never heard of any making it past early veg.

We had hoped that our lack luster efforts would make the cops too busy to mess with us. (Stoned Logic for ya.)

I wouldn't do it today because the seeds actually have value to me and I'd rather have my own grow.



Well-Known Member
plan on doing it around campus right before i leave :)... there are tons of flower beds that they really dont take care of. put some in the lil strips of woods too. i've been saving up..


Well-Known Member
I'm sure it's occured to all of us at one point.

certainly has to me, I have over 1000 seeds that I could easily do this with.

too bad I already live in a town in which 90% of the people grow, wouldn't do much good :)


Well-Known Member
I'm sure it's occured to all of us at one point.

certainly has to me, I have over 1000 seeds that I could easily do this with.

too bad I already live in a town in which 90% of the people grow, wouldn't do much good :)
I'm sure some of the residents would appreciate the added genetic diversity.