harvesting for cannabutter


Well-Known Member
why is the font all goofy!!!! well anyway we werent talking about to make the butter with only water we were talking about letting it soak in water first to bring some of that smell and taste out and then discard the water then make the butter...or am i the one misunderstanding something?


Staff member
you asked a question about steeping steams i answered! not sure why the font is messed up might be your end cause everything on mine is good give a restart !


Well-Known Member
..ok originally we were talking about steeping in water to leach out taste and another guy said you can put it in the crock pot and steep it for a while so my question is if you put it in the crock pot to steep it instead of just at room temp you will melt the trichs into the water regardless of if a fat is present and when you go to pour out the water to lose the green taste/smell and add new water and butter to make your butter you will have lost alot of trichs right? that was what im wondering based on the assumption he still meant to steep it in water with the end goal to leach out the green taste/smell...i understand you have to simmer in a fat soluble ingredient to collect and decarboxylize the thc...hmm thats weird on my screen everything is on another font but if i click aerial i go back to normal..