Harvest now? More Nutes? Help I'm screwed!


Active Member
Please help anyone. I've checked out the forum for some time and taken much advice but now I'm in a jam and need some help.

I'm on day 65 of bloom, day 90 with veg. Growing bagseed in dirt under CFL's. Trying to guess when the harvest is HARD! I stopped nutes like two weeks ago and flushed, thinking I would harvest today, but now I'm not sure if it's ready! Now what do I do? The problem is, the leaves are yellow yellow! The thing is like dying from lack of nutes/end of life. I'm not sure what to do because if I give more nutes and wait I might wait too long and not have the time for the nutes to be used up/flush and end up with nute tasting buds. If I harvest now I might be losing bud.

How long can this take from where I'm at now? I bought a little scope and the trichs look somewhat milky. Not white milky but starting to get a little milky. I would like to see some starting to turn amber before I harvest. Also I'm seeing what appears to be some growth on the tips of the buds. The tips have white hairs that look new. If I go further I think I should give nutes, but I've already flushed. Shit Shit, what should I do?

Should I water with nutes, wait a week, flush, wait a week then harvest? Or wait without the nutes? Harvest now?

I appreciate the help anyone could give a newb that doesn't know what the hell she's doing.




Well-Known Member
i would say nutes wait a week then flush cuz u still got a lil time to go. but u flushin already wont hurt them dont worry u should be good:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
She looks perfectly healthy to me from that pic :-) Looks like she needs longer but I agree with the guys above.... plain water only at this stage. Yellowing leaves is perfectly normal at this stage, and btw shes not dying!.... when you cut her down try leaving her under 24 hour light for a few weeks and she will bounce right back into veg again :-)

edit* ... those new 'tips' sound like foxtailing to me? All adds on the weight... let her finish.


Active Member
keep updating this thread. i am very interested in how it turns out. mine had the same problem on my first harvest, and im still trying to master the art of timing the harvest.


Active Member
So the votes are 2 for water only and wait and 2 for nutes and wait.

If nutes would help your buds and if you have another week or two to go, would you have time to flush before harvest?

Sorry to answer a question with another question but how much longer do you think you have? 2 weeks?

Keep us posted.


Well-Known Member
Please help anyone. I've checked out the forum for some time and taken much advice but now I'm in a jam and need some help.

I'm on day 65 of bloom, day 90 with veg. Growing bagseed in dirt under CFL's. Trying to guess when the harvest is HARD! I stopped nutes like two weeks ago and flushed, thinking I would harvest today, but now I'm not sure if it's ready! Now what do I do? The problem is, the leaves are yellow yellow! The thing is like dying from lack of nutes/end of life. I'm not sure what to do because if I give more nutes and wait I might wait too long and not have the time for the nutes to be used up/flush and end up with nute tasting buds. If I harvest now I might be losing bud.

How long can this take from where I'm at now? I bought a little scope and the trichs look somewhat milky. Not white milky but starting to get a little milky. I would like to see some starting to turn amber before I harvest. Also I'm seeing what appears to be some growth on the tips of the buds. The tips have white hairs that look new. If I go further I think I should give nutes, but I've already flushed. Shit Shit, what should I do?

Should I water with nutes, wait a week, flush, wait a week then harvest? Or wait without the nutes? Harvest now?

I appreciate the help anyone could give a newb that doesn't know what the hell she's doing.

Your buds look a lot like mine.. mine are at 45-days since emergence of flowers. Are you using a scope to look at those trichs? Cause they can look milky unless you have mag and good light behind it. When you look, don't look at 'em with the leaf in the background -- that makes them look milky when they're not. Roll the leaf until you have clear light in the background; then look at the heads.

I've got the "second-surge" on my bud tops, too. One main cola suddenly threw up another 2"; bunch of side buds putting it on, too.

You have some time yet for sure..


Well-Known Member
Please help anyone. I've checked out the forum for some time and taken much advice but now I'm in a jam and need some help.

I'm on day 65 of bloom, day 90 with veg. Growing bagseed in dirt under CFL's. Trying to guess when the harvest is HARD! I stopped nutes like two weeks ago and flushed, thinking I would harvest today, but now I'm not sure if it's ready! Now what do I do? The problem is, the leaves are yellow yellow! The thing is like dying from lack of nutes/end of life. I'm not sure what to do because if I give more nutes and wait I might wait too long and not have the time for the nutes to be used up/flush and end up with nute tasting buds. If I harvest now I might be losing bud.

How long can this take from where I'm at now? I bought a little scope and the trichs look somewhat milky. Not white milky but starting to get a little milky. I would like to see some starting to turn amber before I harvest. Also I'm seeing what appears to be some growth on the tips of the buds. The tips have white hairs that look new. If I go further I think I should give nutes, but I've already flushed. Shit Shit, what should I do?

Should I water with nutes, wait a week, flush, wait a week then harvest? Or wait without the nutes? Harvest now?

I appreciate the help anyone could give a newb that doesn't know what the hell she's doing.

PS.. I'm giving 1/3 strength FF 6-4-4 .. gave it today for the last time, thinking I have about 3 weeks left. I had a pH / overnute issue for a time, and flush everything out awhile back. But, don't take me as "advising" this ... my situation is prob. a little different than yours.


Well-Known Member
I found that if you you mix in some dolomite lime into your soil its prevents alot of Ph/nute problems or add cal/mag, I found out after some big problems in my second grow


Well-Known Member
I found that if you you mix in some dolomite lime into your soil its prevents alot of Ph/nute problems or add cal/mag, I found out after some big problems in my second grow
That's good advice and, if you haven't already done it, I'd recommend working 2 teaspoons of lime per gallon of soil into the top inch of soil (careful of your roots..). Use calcium carbonate lime if you can find it -- releases faster than dolomite, but won't overshoot. Dolomite is best when you put it in your soil mix up front, and it's able to release over time.


Active Member
Thank you everyone for the advice. I'll add lime to the shopping list. Thanks Kriegs for the tip on the trichs, after looking at them at an angle I think they are still mostly clear. Rep for everyone, thank you.

Here's a pic that shows some sorry state of affairs. I understand the yellowing in the late stages of blooming is okay but after looking back at what I have fed this thing(3ml/2gal water of Age Old bloom in the last month because I thought the end was here) I believe some of this is also lacking nutes. You can see my red/purple stem in the background, as well as the yellow and dead leaves. I'm now getting yellow leaves on the buds and I swear the buds almost look like they are starting to yellow also! Someone mentioned "foxtails", yes I think I'm getting some new foxtails and it's increasing weight at this point I think.

So... the water I gave over the weekend. I gave 2 gallons of water with 5ml or Age Old Bloom and 5ml of Earth Juice(both 1/2 strength, I think), hoping that I have a couple weeks left here. I know, some said just water. I'm Hoping it will help the buds mature and help any last minute weight gains. I'm hoping I have a couple weeks left and I can flush a few days before with Clearex and everything will be okay. Trying to guess when it's going to happen and stop nutes in time without starving the thing is harder than I thought!

What do you guys think? Am I stupid for doing thist? Let me know.

You think it's got 2 more weeks left in it?



Well-Known Member
ive got the same prob b4, i flushed the soil and only used normal water and foliar fed the plant flowering nutes to it then a week b4 harvest sprayed with clean normal water 4-5 times a day


Active Member
So the final update to this saga as harvest time has come. The last post on 3/16, water plus nutes were given. A week ago plain water was given, and today it was harvested. Honestly it probably could have gone even longer. Most trichs were cloudy, some clear and some amber and some without heads that looked like shit. It's over 100 days since the seed cracked and over 80 days in bloom. The main cola weighed in at 2 oz wet. We'll see what everything weighs after it dries. Not a huge amount here but you know what? I don't have to buy anything now. This will last me for the next year and it's not bad smoke. Without CFL's this wouldn't have happened.

My main problem here was the lack of nutes. Thinking it was chop time I would hold back the nutes and give just water, then a week later still more time is needed so I would give just water and no nutes. Still not time plain water again. Doing it over again I would give nutes up till the very end then flush. The buds look nice but there are yellow and brown leaves in the buds that won't come out without messing them all up.

Thanks everyone for your help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!