harvest Masterkush


Active Member
harvest the Master Kush, dried for 7 days in the box with no lights on, just intake and exhaust fans and a blower fans inside moving air around.

curing them now for a week or 2, will they weight any less from curing?

about 3 oz's altogether
happy enough with it, would be happier if it was more

sorry for the crappy pics, got a new windows phone has no flash

have the next grow prepared
Big Bang, El Nino, Cheese and Himalaya Gold with a bubbler scrog



Well-Known Member
awwwwwwww nice! im gonna try lowryder for next grow seem easy and whatever and short which is good safe and ahppy smoking :) cool.


Active Member
Hey..... How do I grow up to 20 plants without getting busted. Thinkin of running 3x600 watt lamps.... How many plants can one 600 watt grow???


Well-Known Member
looks good. I think they lose a little weight in curing but not very much. 3 oz may lose like a few grams of weight. But Nice Grow. And your next one sounds delicious too.


Active Member
this is my second grow with soil they were under 1 x 200w cfl when vegged with lst, flowered undered 1 x 220w cfl and 1 x 250w cfl. my first grow was lowryder, even though they are auto flowering and meant to be easy, I managed to end up with 6gm lol. because they were reallt lacked of lights.

the next one is my first bubbler and first scrog, hope i dont screw up :) they be veg under 2 x 200w 6400k cfl, and flower under 2 x 2700k 250 cfl.