Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys quick question.
I will have my three flower units side by side.
How shoudl I setup the two 600hps on the light mover?
both lengthwise inline over one unit and moving sideways?
Also what size fan shoudl I attach to vent room and cool lights?

Or, could I get away with using two 600's stationary to light the three sitnkbud units?
They have a solid 4x4 footprint, so they they should be able to cover them stationary right?
i use 4 600s for 8 units ......4 on each side
so using 1200 watts for 3 is easy
First of 3 weeks in cloner is barely enough, then three weeks in veg, well if they are growing really really fast?? and last when you move to 12/12 9 weeks is like bs. First off it will take almost any decent strain at least 14 days, that is two weeks to even make a flower then to think they will be big full finished buds by 7 weeks after that is just nonsense!!!! Never seen a single strain, have not seen the autos tough, But have seen NL's and they are FAST! make a finished big healty cola in one month and three weeks, = 7 weeks + the time to see a flower of 2 weeks and It takes that long friends to get them to start, so 7+2 = 9 and that is not going to make you a harvest ever two three or four weeks period!!!! all bs and nothing more.. Show us a pic at 3 weeks, then 6 then 9 weeks after 12/12 START.!! Don't make it up show them! No way hosea....:roll:


Well-Known Member
So you have them lined up back to back then right?
Thats a pretty big setup. Still running 7 per 4 ft post?
i have 2 600 in a 10 x 4 area with 4 units
on the other side of the room i have 2 600 in a 12 x 4 area with 4 units
and there is 2 foot in the middle to walk
runs great
i yield about 3400 grams per 9 week cycle


Well-Known Member
First of 3 weeks in cloner is barely enough, then three weeks in veg, well if they are growing really really fast?? and last when you move to 12/12 9 weeks is like bs. First off it will take almost any decent strain at least 14 days, that is two weeks to even make a flower then to think they will be big full finished buds by 7 weeks after that is just nonsense!!!! Never seen a single strain, have not seen the autos tough, But have seen NL's and they are FAST! make a finished big healty cola in one month and three weeks, = 7 weeks + the time to see a flower of 2 weeks and It takes that long friends to get them to start, so 7+2 = 9 and that is not going to make you a harvest ever two three or four weeks period!!!! all bs and nothing more.. Show us a pic at 3 weeks, then 6 then 9 weeks after 12/12 START.!! Don't make it up show them! No way hosea....:roll:
i yield 3400 grams or 120 oz per 9 week cycle.....but i have it perpetual so i can yield 14 to 15 per week running 2800 hps
Complete amateur here. I have to start from seed in this case, no real network I'm familiar with of local growers here. I'm looking for info on pruning seedlings. I've only heard through hearsay that I should remove leaves on a sprout in the first week or so, any tips?


Active Member
Dago, how far above the units do you have the lights and do you have them lengthwise with the units or sideways to them?


Active Member
First of 3 weeks in cloner is barely enough, then three weeks in veg, well if they are growing really really fast?? and last when you move to 12/12 9 weeks is like bs. First off it will take almost any decent strain at least 14 days, that is two weeks to even make a flower then to think they will be big full finished buds by 7 weeks after that is just nonsense!!!! Never seen a single strain, have not seen the autos tough, But have seen NL's and they are FAST! make a finished big healty cola in one month and three weeks, = 7 weeks + the time to see a flower of 2 weeks and It takes that long friends to get them to start, so 7+2 = 9 and that is not going to make you a harvest ever two three or four weeks period!!!! all bs and nothing more.. Show us a pic at 3 weeks, then 6 then 9 weeks after 12/12 START.!! Don't make it up show them! No way hosea....:roll:

yeah i can tell you really know what ur talkin bout... i guess we should all throw out our systems. cuz if u say it wont work i guess it really wont.

oh and p.s..... theres pics all over this thread, maybe read more than the title and the first 2 pages before making really ignorant comments


Well-Known Member
first of 3 weeks in cloner is barely enough, then three weeks in veg, well if they are growing really really fast?? And last when you move to 12/12 9 weeks is like bs. First off it will take almost any decent strain at least 14 days, that is two weeks to even make a flower then to think they will be big full finished buds by 7 weeks after that is just nonsense!!!! Never seen a single strain, have not seen the autos tough, but have seen nl's and they are fast! Make a finished big healty cola in one month and three weeks, = 7 weeks + the time to see a flower of 2 weeks and it takes that long friends to get them to start, so 7+2 = 9 and that is not going to make you a harvest ever two three or four weeks period!!!! All bs and nothing more.. Show us a pic at 3 weeks, then 6 then 9 weeks after 12/12 start.!! Don't make it up show them! No way hosea....:roll:
just because u cant do it doesnt make it impossible..it just means you arent skilled enough to do it...educate yourself your plants will appreciate it


Active Member
just because u cant do it doesnt make it impossible..it just means you arent skilled enough to do it...educate yourself your plants will appreciate it
whats so funny is that is this is THE MOST detailed turn key operation i have ever seen... obviously this dude has absolutely no experience w/ stink, aero or growing dope in general.....

i say to him...keep reading my friend..

if this guy actually tries the system hes gunna feel like a really big asshole :-?


Active Member
So you move your lights with your plants?
Stinkbud I thought said to just leave the lights at a certain height?
Which is it?


Well-Known Member
i have all my lights on light stretchers or movers.......i keep them at 2 foot
i just raise them as they get taller
if ur running 1000 u can probably leave them further in the beginning
closer the lights equals better the yield


Active Member
Gotcha, Ill just get light hangers and move em up with growth as appropriate.

What size fan do you use to vent your hoods?
Do you leave the fan on 24/7 or just on for a bit every certain amount of time?