Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!


Well-Known Member
This is probably the only thread I care to follow. I try to help whenever I know an answer. Happy 420, Stinkbud and all the Stinkbuddies! You've inspired many and will continue to do so:leaf:


Well-Known Member
can you elaborate on this step please?

edit: sorry there a lot more pages here than I realized. I'm sure in here some where, i'll do some reading.
I actually run my PPM about 1/3 strength for the last week (300ppm). I also add 450ml of Sweet to the res.
Hello happy followers! First post, Im only on page 203. Learning so much. Mostly by error. Started end of Jan. got my first roots this week. Such big news.
Root there it is! Root there it is! So when cleaning, what is your bleach water ppm that runs through the pump for a half hour? Are you using the sanitize 200 ppm or the disinfect for like 2700 ppm? Also whats the ppm of the glass jar bleach water that you put your ph meter in while you use it?


Well-Known Member
If any of you can wield a soldering iron, I'm busy toying with the design for a low cost 1 minute on, 5 minute off timer, I have the first part ready, in simulation, 5:04 on 0:58 off, lol I know you say its the wrong way around, but thats why I'm only halfway, as I still have to add a logic inverter. When its done it will be cheap as chips, basicaly the cost of a small relay rated at your mains voltage, a sheet of press and peel, piece of copper clad circuitboard, and a dollar or 2's worth of parts, available from just about any hobyshop that stocks electronics stuff, or you can get stuff online...

Just let me know if there is interest....
have you ever had a problem where the roots clog the nft system, during flowering?
I've read about it puddling up Slightly and also that it is sprayed with new water (rich in oxygen (bacteria killa)) every five minutes. But one thing to watch for would be the roots growing out the end, in to the res, and into the pump. If that happens just trim the roots.


Well-Known Member

Here is a rough layout so far, actualy got further than estimated to day.... due to rain, very busy getting house ready for imminent arrival of first daughter :)

Most of the parts are cents each, allthough you may need to buy 10 each of things like resistors etc. The relay will be rated at your mains voltage on the output side and 5V on the magnet side.
Any DC wallwart in the range of 7 to 10V should work fine, even potentialy a slightly higher voltage with a small heatsink on the internal voltage regulator. So its a pretty universal one size fits all design.


Well-Known Member
I did a rough costing, excluding the case and circuitboard...
2 resistors = $1
Electrolytic capacitor 50c
2 ceramic caps 50c
Inverter 50c
Screw terminal 30c
2 Diodes 30c
Relay $1.50 to $2.50

So far... lessthan $6


Well-Known Member

Here is a rough layout so far, actualy got further than estimated to day.... due to rain, very busy getting house ready for imminent arrival of first daughter :)

Most of the parts are cents each, allthough you may need to buy 10 each of things like resistors etc. The relay will be rated at your mains voltage on the output side and 5V on the magnet side.
Any DC wallwart in the range of 7 to 10V should work fine, even potentialy a slightly higher voltage with a small heatsink on the internal voltage regulator. So its a pretty universal one size fits all design.
congrats on the little Girl man!


Well-Known Member
I chose the Hammond 1591 flanged box as the case for the project. It is small and the flanges allows you to mount it to a surface. Cost your side of the pond, about $4.50.

Additions were two status LED's, one for power status, and one for output status. Will keep you updated as and when I make progress into a physical prototype.
View attachment 2150505


Well-Known Member
I've read about it puddling up Slightly and also that it is sprayed with new water (rich in oxygen (bacteria killa)) every five minutes. But one thing to watch for would be the roots growing out the end, in to the res, and into the pump. If that happens just trim the roots.
Would a 1800l/H( 470gph) pump too much, is it going to heat up the water to much?

A chiller is pretty much not a option with this system

Adding an air bubbbler in the nft flower setup is a must upgrade by the way!

Would adding them to the cloner setup be beneficial as well?

would a 15/15 timer be sufficient over a 1 on 4 off?


Well-Known Member
Its about 20% stronger than the one he uses, not sure unlikely to be a problem, as long as the tub is large enough for heat not to become an issue...

P.S. the case is about $2.50, small type there...