Guys, i need some help now


Active Member
I knew i should have done it behind his back....

well I just got a resounding no from my father about growing in my closet. Even though i caught him growing a plant in his bathroom :roll:

Anyhow, that means I have to grow outside now. I got about 3 acres behind me with cow fields on either side. It should be relatively safe as long as the smell doesn't get to bad.

Now, I need to know if white widow will grow outside here in sunny humid florida. If not, what will? How long will it take this plant to go into the flowering stage since I can't control the light cycle now? Is going to actually be in the fall?

All is not lost, but this just got a lot harder then it needed to be.


Active Member
it's his property. I'm just staying here while I get my AA.

At that point, I'm transferring and can do my coveted closet grow.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
how many plants do u want . if just a couple & have a barn u can hide a freezer in from your dad then gut out the freezer & make a grow closet. it works great & can be locked up. girls are safe


Well-Known Member
Maybe you should wait until it's your own ass on the line, instead of acting shady and putting your father and his property at risk AFTER HE BLATANTLY FUCKING TOLD YOU NOT TO GROW THERE!

No respect for kids who are willing to destroy mom & dad for a couple of cheap jollies today ....


Active Member
Maybe you should wait until it's your own ass on the line, instead of acting shady and putting your father and his property at risk AFTER HE BLATANTLY FUCKING TOLD YOU NOT TO GROW THERE!

No respect for kids who are willing to destroy mom & dad for a couple of cheap jollies today ....
hey dumbass, my father was growing his own plant, his ass is already on the line.

fu trying to talk down on me just cause i'm young.


Well-Known Member
Its not about age it is about respect and maturity. If you don't show respect for others you can't expect anyone to show you respect, so why are you suprised and defensive when they dis u , that is maturity not an 'age' thing. Sometimes we make bad decisions, this would be one of those times, don't make that one. Please. VV