Gun Slayings


New Member
Tough financial times are always accompanied with suicides, murder suicides ... and these mass murders. Why is that?

I believe the root cause is the American "ideal" of "more is better" and the loss of true values. When one's ego is totally wrapped up in one's money making ability and the amassing of "things," mental illness is sure to follow when the money and "things" are taken away.

Its time to get back to what is really important. Things like family, honesty and truth should prevail. The concept of "less is more" shouldn't be a concept that one finally learns later on in life, but one that should be strived for from the time one starts working for a living.

If I were advising my grandsons ... and I have, this is what I'd tell them:

1. Always live below your means. Don't worry about what other's have ... or what they think about what you have.

2. Don't become a credit slave. Use a debit card and not a credit card.

3. Invest at least 10% of your earnings in a compound interest-bearing account.

4. Do not steal from your neighbors either directly, or with government's help.

5. Avoid being a renter ... buy real estate.

6. Buy good quality used cars; low mileage, four+ years old.

7. Get an education ... and that means a four-year degree or more.

8. Establish a great work ethic.

9. Play hard ... work hard.

10. Take care of your Grandpa. :)

Other posters ... feel free to add your own advise.



Active Member
Without the war on drugs there will be very little need for Gun control; perhaps the Mexican cartels will convince the American public with assassinations, that legalization is in their best interest. We really dont need the specter of reefer- madness anymore-we have terrorism and corporate Ceo's (or do I repeat myself?)

Perfectly correct to show how many perish from the diseases of old age and poison consumption; guns can't touch mother nature's black thumb. I will say this for guns: no bullet ever put a dead body on a ventilator, or prolonged a human life that was essentially over, or profited from babying a corpse, or sent one of its parents to die in the emotional desert of a nursing home. Of all the ways to kick the proverbial bucket, getting blown away is-probably-relatively pleasant...


Active Member
I don't think there is necessarily more shooting happening, the media is just covering them more to demonize guns as part of their agenda. The so called "assault rifle" ban is a perfect example, and the media is using that term in cases where there were not even any guns that would fall into that category used to try to sway public opinion since the Dems want to ban them.

Take the Oakland police shooting for example. Most media outlets reported that the gunman use an assault rifle to kill those cops. That is a lie. The first two cops were shot with a handgun, and when they tracked him down later he used a normal rifle to kill the other two. People should NEVER belive what the media says, as they have their own agena.


New Member
This is the hard one, even if you own your property they tax the fuck out of you for it.

We want to move, but the property tax issue scares the hell out of us. It's common knowledge that as soon as a house gets sold, they happily run out completely change the tax amount for the new owners.

Even if we bought straight out cash and had no mortgage payment, we'd still be looking at a minimum of $2000 per year in property tax. That adds up to just shy of $170.00 oer month for the "privilage" of ownership.

I have noticed that even with property values crashing like they are, property taxes are increasing anyway.

5. Avoid being a renter ... buy real estate.



Well-Known Member
the gun lobbyists are one of the most powerful in the country and with their money and influence they will ensure guns are readily available to the masses,the same applies to the tobacco companies.just my opinion....


New Member
the gun lobbyists are one of the most powerful in the country and with their money and influence they will ensure guns are readily available to the masses,the same applies to the tobacco companies.just my opinion....
Maybe so, but Guns are an investment anyway. They hardly ever lose their value. Some actually gain and if an assault weapons ban goes into effect, I'd say any M-16 or AK would be worth a grand easily. If you shop around, you can find a slightly used SK for 450-600 bucks. Buy a hundred, and after the ban, make 40K on the deal, because everyone will panic and want one. Just sell them one at a time in the newspaper. They will only ban comercial sales.


New Member
It is for sure that killing with a gun depersonalises the killing, just point and pull the trigger. When you have to physically interact with your victim, (Knife killings), it is way more traumatizing and in a crowd, you may be overcome by some of your intended victims, That is what makes an assault weapon so appealing. One can kill multiple victims from a distance, such as cops for example. No wonder cops don't like them. The 7MM from an AK or the .223 of the m-16 will go right through the kevlar vests withouf steel plate protection. Hint: when confronting cops, use head shots if possible or side shots where there is little protection, (under the arm).


Well-Known Member
Shouldn't write this shit down first thing they do once you "go off" is find out what you been talking about online. I've heard knives will penitrate a bullet proof vest I wonder if one of those razor sharp arrows from a compound bow would cut threw a vest with no plate? Should right to mythbusters and have them find out for me :)


New Member
One can kill multiple victims from a distance, such as cops for example. No wonder cops don't like them. The 7MM from an AK or the .223 of the m-16 will go right through the kevlar vests withouf steel plate protection. Hint: when confronting cops, use head shots if possible or side shots where there is little protection, (under the arm).
Med ...

Have you lost your fucking mind?



Well-Known Member
It is for sure that killing with a gun depersonalises the killing, just point and pull the trigger. When you have to physically interact with your victim, (Knife killings), it is way more traumatizing and in a crowd, you may be overcome by some of your intended victims, That is what makes an assault weapon so appealing. One can kill multiple victims from a distance, such as cops for example. No wonder cops don't like them. The 7MM from an AK or the .223 of the m-16 will go right through the kevlar vests withouf steel plate protection. Hint: when confronting cops, use head shots if possible or side shots where there is little protection, (under the arm).
There are no steel plates in vests, they are ceramic with layers of kevlar inside them now. Plus, "assault weapons" are only used in roughly 3.3% of all crimes in which a gun is used. There is no common sense behind gun bans, they have never worked. In every single case ever recorder the violent crime rates rose by at least 300% after the majority of guns are banned(ie: handgun bans in europe and australia) Why? Well you see when you take guns away from people, only the crimnals will have them. In every single case where concealed or open carry laws have been passed(ie:Texas, Colorado, Nevada, Minnesota, Florida, ect) the violent crime rates drops by aprox 19% the first year, then 3-7% in each of the following 5 years. Gun control only helps crimnals. Who would you rather rob/rape/whatever, someone who very well may be packin'? or someone who you know is illegal to carry?


Well-Known Member
And as far as med losing his mind, no. He is exactly right, police only hit their intended targets with about 15% of their bullets fired, so the first thing is dotn be to scared they probably wont hit you anyways. And yes, aim for the heads or sides if you ever get into a situation where firing apon the police becomes necessary(revolution anyone?) In a firefight, anyone aiming at you is a combatant and must be nutralized, in the case of armored people like cops, most small arms(9mm, .40, .45, ect) wont penetrate the standard kevlar vests


Well-Known Member
It is for sure that killing with a gun depersonalises the killing, just point and pull the trigger. When you have to physically interact with your victim, (Knife killings), it is way more traumatizing and in a crowd, you may be overcome by some of your intended victims, That is what makes an assault weapon so appealing. One can kill multiple victims from a distance, such as cops for example. No wonder cops don't like them. The 7MM from an AK or the .223 of the m-16 will go right through the kevlar vests withouf steel plate protection. Hint: when confronting cops, use head shots if possible or side shots where there is little protection, (under the arm).

hint: when they have you cornered and you put the gun in your mouth, hold it backwards. you want the butt facing out. this way when it kicks the bullet won't just pass thru your nose. :bigjoint:


New Member
M-16's are highly restricted...still a military only piece of hardware. He means to say AR-15. he means...he means...he means... :roll:

out. :blsmoke:

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
yes true unless your in some states you can purchase fully automatic weapons with permits and alot of money in idaho i ran into someone with a number of legal full autos one was belt fed good good fun. it does not matter though a trained person with a bolt action 300mag is much more dangerous than some gangbanger with an ak-47 its all about the man holding the rifle. and as far as shooting through armor any decent hunting cartridge will do much better than your standard assault rifle cartridge as there generally far more powerful.