GUess what i did today


Well-Known Member
So today was weird for me in alot of ways. I started off the day with smoking a huge ass bowl than took a shower and then smoked another bowl. And then i hung out for a bit and my friend who i havent seen in a long time showed up. well.... long story short, shes a virgin and i tried to have sex with her and she didnt want to so, instead she gave me head...well it was her first time and didnt know wat to do but she did it any way and wasnt that bad. But the reason im here is because she used teeth and now a have a red mark on the top part of my shaft. any ideas on wat to do?


Active Member
i'm gonna have to bust out one of my old mitch cd's now and get baked.....

Mitch's friend: guess what i like?.... mashed potatoes

Mitch: dude ya gotta give me time to guess

I gotta get some more all of mine got scratched to hell I haven't got some Mitch Hedberg in 3 years now. It's been far too long to not listen to my favorite stand up act ever.


Well-Known Member
How old is this girl 10 or something? I've never heard of a women that couldn't give a respectable blowjob past the age of 18. That's borderline un-American!

In any case, back in the day of my freshemen year of college a girl thought it would be cute to use my member as a piece of beef jerky (seriously nibbles in that area hurt). In any case, you'll live. You'll be sour for a couple of days and then you'll be fine. But yeah my co@k had red tracks running up on it like a cat scratch the fucker. Very not cool.


How old is this girl 10 or something? I've never heard of a women that couldn't give a respectable blowjob past the age of 18. That's borderline un-American!

In any case, back in the day of my freshemen year of college a girl thought it would be cute to use my member as a piece of beef jerky (seriously nibbles in that area hurt). In any case, you'll live. You'll be sour for a couple of days and then you'll be fine. But yeah my co@k had red tracks running up on it like a cat scratch the fucker. Very not cool.
You guys are complaining about bite marks? How about last deer season (november) I got Poison Ivy all over down there, balls and everything, and I got it on my face around my eyes, looked like I got knocked one. Anyway the worst part was the junk part. Only thing I could do to relieve the itching was stand in the hottest water my shower could give, we're talking scalding, and kinda thrust my hips out so the water would only hit my junk because it burned everything, and then i'd just srcatch the piss out of it. DONT EVER GET POSION IVY ON YOUR DONG! Bite marks are something to be proud of, they're junk hickys ;-P Gratz bro.